From Sun Sport:[b]Manchester United star Smith, who underwent surgery yesterday, said: “When I looked down the leg was lying one way and my ankle was pointing towards [color=Red]Hong Kong [/color]— so I knew I was in serious trouble. But the doctors are very positive.”[/b]
佢斷腳關Hong Kong 咩事?
呢D係咪英國人因為比中國收番香港所以用Hong Kong 來比喻一D衰既野? [center]可能佢係指佢隻腳指左向東面,
用香港代表東面o卦~[/center] 點解唔去sport版出??
反而去吹水區~:o 片段 - 利物浦VS曼聯之史密斯受傷
Clip - Liverpool VS Man Utd's Smith Injury
[url]http://soccer.rubbishman.net/clip.php?action=play&cid=275[/url] 佢地在剛過去的summer黎過香港嘛
佢意思係話佢隻腳傷得好重,一面向東,一面向西....... 佢傷得咁重仲識得講笑 :cry: [quote]Originally posted by [i]alantai[/i] at 2006-2-20 03:29 PM:
From Sun Sport:
[b]Manchester Un... [/quote]
just a joke................... 好野!佢係危急時仲記得hk^^ hahahaah, this alan smith see apple daily he means that his foot is pointing towards somewhere else n he doesn't know where it is pointing to.... hahaha [quote]Originally posted by [i]YUEN_LOUIS[/i] at 2006-2-20 10:23 PM:
好野!佢係危急時仲記得hk^^ [/quote]