:hitwall: [/quote]
:angry::angry::angry: 唔知主客場點呢:confused:
1. Arsenal vs Juventus:Juven's defense looks so messy in the Bremre's tie. But Arsenal didn't do so good in their final shot. So Juven's experience & luck would be critical.
verdict: Juventus will be at the edge (2:1 or 1:0 agg)
2. Barcelona vs Benfica:
Boths teams work on the same way. Benfica seems to walk the same path as Porto two years ago. But this is a match between a professor & his student. The professor will give them a lesson.
verdict: Barcelona 's quality show (3:1 or 4:2 agg)
3. AC Milan vs Lyon
Lyon impressd me in the PSV's matches. They really matured in such big games. AC Milan didn't look so brilliant but their consistency in this competition can prove that why they are one of the favourites.
Verdict: AC's exp would be an advantage in very tight matches (2:1 or 3:2 agg)
4. Villarreal vs Inter/Ajax
The most unpredictable tie in the quarters. Ajax is not the same team as their golden age. So I guess Villarreal takes on Inter. Whatever which win, both are not tipped to go through beyond the semi.
Verdict: Villarreal may be too fresh to face Inter (Inter 2:1 or 2:2 agg)
Conclusion: Semifinals
Juventus Vs Inter
Barcelona Vs AC Milan [quote]Originally posted by [i]我‧愛‧你[/i] at 2006-3-10 08:22 PM:
其實都唔知roman適唔適應到英超踢法… [/quote]
我反而唔知 roman 係邊個? :haha: [quote]Originally posted by [i]遊戲[/i] at 2006-3-10 08:47 PM:
剛剛至睇返賓菲加入利記個兩... [/quote]
不過要靠世界波先嬴倒, 我就唔係咁睇好喇 :hitwall: [quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2006-3-11 12:38 AM:
我反而唔知 roman 係邊個? :haha: [/quote]
列基美 [quote]Originally posted by [i]奇[/i] at 2006-3-10 08:04 PM:
[color=Red]里昂[/color]vs AC:lol:
[color=Red]巴塞[/color] vs 賓菲加:drool: [/quote]
如無意外...將會係 lyon vs barcelona
兩隊波快鬥快, 大打進攻足球, 依場四強先好睇
如果兩隊都鬥攻, 真係邊隊輸左都冇得怨, 只好怪技不如人
arsenal 上兩場波只係憑鬥心取勝, 但論質素同戰術都係 juventus 技勝一籌, 相信祖雲將會輕易過聯
至於 inter vs ajax, 多數都係 inter 嬴, 但 inter vs villarreal 就真係五五波, 到時要打過先知
所以預計決賽將會係 juventus vs lyon/ barcelona :good: "The professor will give them a lesson"
i like this sentence~ :D [quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2006-3-11 12:45 AM:
如無意外...將會係 lyon vs barcelo... [/quote]
論人腳里昂唔會差過AC,但肯定唔會強過AC。 伯金將會在掛靴前捧到歐冠盃 Barcelona vs Benfica
AC Milan vs Lyon
里昂first round雖然無P祖連奴
AC間中出現不穩的防線係一大隱憂 [quote]Originally posted by [i]littlepig[/i] at 2006-3-11 01:04 AM:
伯金將會在掛靴前捧到歐冠盃 [/quote]
係呀!係阿積士果陣麻 Bacelona sure win [quote]Originally posted by [i]Kian76[/i] at 2006-3-11 12:58 AM:
論人腳里昂唔會差過AC,但肯定唔會強過AC。 [/quote]
速度 vs 老人防線(雖然而家有改善) :lol: [quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2006-3-11 10:45:
速度 vs 老人防線(雖然而家有改善) :lol: [/quote]
AC應用贊古奴夫斯基:nogood: [quote]Originally posted by [i]清揚[/i] at 2006-3-11 11:50 AM:
AC應用贊古奴夫斯基:nogood: [/quote]
左後仲有 kaladenz, serginho :good:
唉.. 簽完佢返黎, 後備都好少出 :hitwall: [quote]Originally posted by [i]wer[/i] at 2006-3-10 10:29 PM:
:angry::angry::angry: [/quote]
:agree: [quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2006-3-11 12:38 AM:
我反而唔知 roman 係邊個? :haha: [/quote]
roman咪即是列基美lor:cry: [quote]Originally posted by [i]abc123aa[/i] at 2006-3-11 12:41 AM:
列基美 [/quote]
好似好多人唔知列基美個名:confused: [quote]Originally posted by [i]littlepig[/i] at 2006-3-11 01:04 AM:
伯金在掛靴前捧到歐冠盃就好了 [/quote]