Peja 若離隊, KINGS 應如何重組?
至目前為止, kings 只係自由市場簽下Ostertag, 以及與 Songaila續約。不過由於Gerald Wallace 離隊, kings 最少要加多個小前鋒替補; 同埋因為webber 非常易傷, kings 有需要再搵多一個可以打4-5號位0既球員。我查過今年0既自由身球員(, 有幾名老將都很適合kings 0既打法, 而且我相信價錢唔會太高。
1.)Toni Kukoc ,以他作為peja 的替補,簡直完美,仲可以客串key 下波。
2.) Steve Smith , 應可以打2,3號位,雖然老了, 但外投仍具威脅, 今年的playoff 對heats 令人印象深刻。
1.)Tom Gugliotta ,少數有交波及外投能力的長人,應該很易融入kings 0既打法。
2.)Keon Clark , kings舊將,封籃及籃板能力優異, 是kings 很需要的一類球員。 Steve Smith 見年打年....
Gugliotta 不復當年勇喇
簽左廢柴之後應該唔會再簽 Clark 架喇
Kukoc 係一個好既選擇
不過 bucks 應該會簽返佢掛
Free Agent 既好球員已經唔多
唯有諗下球員交易啦 [img][/img]
反而隊波差個Dirty Work Player,廢柴fit晒啦
如果真係要加Free Agent既話
Steve Smith同Gugliotta好睇唔好打,狀態太差太沉
Keon Clark都ok好~不過佢去到kings出場時間會好少~
[img][/img] Agree with 科, 我對Songaila都好有信心 , 他係上季表現很好, 特別係 palyoff 對 dallas game5 一場。如果他可以再硬淨d, 同埋練好d外圍投射, 對球隊0既貢獻會更大。不過webber 基本上每季都缺陣一段時間, kings 唔加入一名打4-5號位0既球員, 到果陣時Songaila 就要同 b.miller & 廢柴3個人輪流打足全場, 而且Ostertag 並沒有係高位分波0既能力, 發揮唔到kings 0既戰術, 所以我先議簽Gugliotta。如果係用最低年薪簽, 當買個保險都好。當然另一個選攆係不變應萬變, 簽番 massenberg, 他都仲打得下。
不過隨著buford 同 g.wallace 離隊, kings 一定要係小前鋒位置加人。不過簽到Kukoc 0既機會不大, 一來kings 已經無薪酬空間, 二來Kukoc 可能係今年 Free Agent 市場裡最好0既小前鋒, 相信會引來包括 heats 在內的球隊爭奪。
其實而家kings 正選5人 已經好強, 只不過去年為得到b.miller 犧牲左太多後備, 如果2位新人真係發揮到作用, 又可以係Free Agent 市場解決小前鋒替補的問題, kings 依然係爭標熱門。 They need a quick first step player that can drive to beat his D, drive to the paint and draw defense, then kick the ball out.
I will pick Dickerson to team up with Bibby again, but wondering if he is still in the L? Kings hv to change coach.... PG: Bibby
SG: Christie
SF: Stojakovic
PF: Webber
C: B.Miller
not enough subs for C...... [quote][quotefrom="wai214"]They need a quick first step player that can drive to beat his D, drive to the paint and draw defense, then kick the ball out.
I will pick Dickerson to team up with Bibby again, but wondering if he is still in the L?[/quote]
agree, kings 需要加入quick first step player , Dickerson 係唔錯0既人選。
不過今年他們揀0既2名新人都係打後衛, 令他們0既陣容已經有5個後衛, 他們最需要要加人0既反而係小前鋒0既替補。 [quote][quotefrom="hermit"]Kings hv to change coach....[/quote]
agree, 艾度文0既擅於打造勁旅, 無論以前0既 blazers or 而家0既kings,
但因為調動死板, 始終無泓帶領球隊奪標。 [quote][quotefrom="kakueeken"][quote][quotefrom="hermit"]Kings hv to change coach....[/quote]
agree, 艾度文0既擅於打造勁旅, 無論以前0既 blazers or 而家0既kings,
但因為調動死板, 始終無泓帶領球隊奪標。[/quote]
they are in a position that they cannot do anything...only a step away from the title...hard to gamble like that...they won't break the chemsity that they have built for the past several years. 各位fans 都應該知peja stojakovic 要求離隊,
他最想去0既地方係公牛, 如果他真係走, 大家覺得kings 應該要求公牛用什麼球員交易。我真係唔知邊個好,
最好0既選擇可能係揀公牛0既年輕雙塔, 再用他們換其他球員, 畢竟總有球隊不惜工本去買名大於實0既高佬。 換晒CHICAGO今年個兩個ROOKIES,好似幾得,又可以ADDRESS KAKUEEKEN兄你成日強調既小前鋒問題 Chicago 兩個 rookie
得一個係小前鋒............. 甘可以推番christie上去打3架麻
甘咪有兩個G/F囉 [quote][quotefrom="wai214"]換晒CHICAGO今年個兩個ROOKIES,好似幾得,又可以ADDRESS KAKUEEKEN兄你成日強調既小前鋒問題[/quote]
咁我情願要carter,ray allen果d好過 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** [quote][quotefrom="甘國武"](同理,我唔為VC適合kings)[/quote]
不如打多年睇下點先啦 未打過又點知唔適合呢....
只係有 peja 係度
有 carter 係度可能又唔同....
不過咁多樣野都未落實.... **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** CARTER 單0野吹水多, 他太高人工la, 我搵到段0野講:
Another player eager to leave his team is Toronto Raptors forward Vince Carter, but he's an example of how talents match in a trade but salaries don't. Carter is due to make $12.5 million next season and is under contract for four more years at $57.7 million.
而Stojakovic 只係$6.9 million this coming season, only the fifth-highest on his own team. He's also under contract for two more seasons, with a third at his option.