A. Kirilenko Triple Double! 10 Block Shots!!!
Kirilenko今日對Kings時創下個人block shot的記錄---[b]10 block shots[/b]!並且做出[color=Red]大三元[/color]的成績!15 points,14 rebounds, 10 blocks, 3 assists, 3 steals.
可惜Jazz以2分之微輸波... [quote]Originally posted by [i]cs[/i] at 2006-3-26 12:24 PM:
Kirilenko今日對Kings時創下個人block... [/quote]
咁都輸..........變得無乜意義............. 一場10 block shots
佢真係好fit wor he should move to bigger teams. he is a good player to do the 'tough' works-rebounding, defending, pick, receiving the fouls..sth like that. 可想而知佢呢期好fit﹐要成功封波已經唔易﹐仲要成功封到10次﹐勁﹗:good: