求discuz 論壇製法
有無人知點樣搞一個forum 出黎.....用discuz! 注冊 2003-2-4 :lol:前輩問admin啦, 有心唔怕遲呀 :lol:
actually自己睇仲快 :dev:
[url]http://www.discuz.net/[/url] once you use discuz, can you change it to other fomat??
like phpbb?? and is the forum free? [quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 2006-5-19 11:17 PM:
once you use discuz, can you change it to other fomat??
like phpbb?? and is the forum free? [/quote]
DL discuz 4.0 is free but you need to register for a domain-->$$$