1)Minnesota Wolves
2) San Antonio Spurs
3) Denver Nuggets
大家覺唔覺Denver好有Nets既影子呢?Miller+Anthony+Martin = Kidd+Jefferson+Martin. Denver既frontcourt成隊PTU甘,機動力好強,可攻可守,除左Utah應該無乜邊隊有得fight. K-Mart既加盟俾Camby更多既時間休息,換句話講,Camby受傷既機會會再減低,亦都會更加productivity.
4) Houston Rockets
5) Los Angeles Lakers
6) Sacramento Kings
基本上Houston既實力係無乜勁到,只係其他球隊既實力下跌左。Cato既離去令到原本薄弱既內線更加糟。真係好奇怪點解Houston到而家都重唔簽番幾個內線球員。至於另一個令我關心既pg位置,我偶然發現 Reece Gaines原來係舊年既15pick,加上Houston好emphasize T-Mac個 trade 一定要有佢,甘我稔Houston對佢因該會有一定既期望。簽Charlie Ward好可能係為左栽培Gaines.
至於Lakers就係因為有Kobe, NBA第一人. 佢今年應該會比以前更加努力,因為佢一定唔衰得,佢要證明比其他人睇留佢係到迫就係正確既。所以佢今年應該會係得分王,加上under Rudy T,我稔5成以上既進攻會集中係Kobe同Atkins身上。反以Odom同Divac會肩附起籃板同分波既責任。加上佢地好deep既bench,Lakers要打入第二輪完全係有可能。如果真係Houston對Lakers,T-Mac對Kobe,一定超好睇。
我assume Peja 離隊所以Kings應該唔會再係爭標隊伍。無論Kings用Peja換到咩人都唔會可以補償到。而Peja亦都唔會搵到一隊更岩佢既球隊,所以會係Lose Lose Situation.
7) Utah Jazz
我只係支持Jerry Sloan既能力。
8) Dallas Mavericks
換黎Dampier當然address到防守既問題。但係佢地而家既問題己經唔單單係防守甘簡單。Steve Nash走左,新黎既Jason Terry都唔係分波,成個team變左1 on 1,唯一變數係睇下新仔Devin Harris可唔可以擔起指揮官呢個角色。Dallas會唔會變左東岸既New York呢? **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 我都唔理個分組排位...
假如 Nets 有個 Centre
而家 Denver 就有個 centre 叫 Camby 了
Dallas 第八?
全 nba 我諗搵唔到一隊可以勁個佢地條 starting 5
Dampier Notwizki Stackhouse Finley Terry
Spurs (Parker 仔黎料!!)
Kings (Peja 應該走唔成.......掛)
Grizzlies ( 希望hubie brown 再展神蹟)
Denver (Miller+Lenard+Melo+K-Mart+Camby!)
Portland (呢個我諗過下...點解唔俾 houston 呢?因為 Jeff 哥帶領既 Yao + T-Mac 暫時俾唔到我信心)
1.) Pistons ( ..........? 唔想解釋...邊隊可以打到 Lakers 變 Clippers?)
2.) Heat ( 中鋒打晒....仲有隻 Wade ~不過都係~如果 shaq 傷左~後果頗嚴重)
3.) Pacers (上年聯盟第一..........冇得解)
4.) Raptors(........我鍾意.......)
5.) Magic ( Francis + Mobley 既然可以入到 playoff....呢邊都應該得掛[再期代Grant Hill 唔洗再傷....])
6.) Bucks ( 冇星....但有化學作用.....勁)
7.) Knicks (我信既係Isiah Thomas同 Marbury............ )
8.) Caverliers ( Lebron~~~~~~~~~~~~~James~~~~~~~)
我覺得 Chicago 有d chance 其實....不過...唔識講..... :evil:
1) spurs
無得傾,真係勁 !
duncan + parker + brent barry + bowen + ginobili 攻守都咁勁
2) lakers
個陣容好完整 再加上kobe...............
3) kings
因為我鍾意 ,而且都有實力
4) wolves
無左防守專家 hassell
5) dallas
1d都唔鍾意 成隊俾stackhouse攪衰晒 最好playoff都入唔到
6) denver
7) houston
8) suns
因為grizzlies無增兵,所以入唔到playoff WEST:
1. [b]Spurs[/b]
new comer B.Barry provide flexibility of G postion....Barry can backup both Parker and Ginobili. Spurs cannot be the top seed last season becoz lack of consistency 3pts shooter...Turkoglu cant ply wht the coach expected. So most of the time replied on Duncan low-post scoring. If any team can stop Duncan and Parker, Spurs cant find the 3rd scoring options. To be succesful this season, they should
>Parker should be more mature
>Barry should provide consistency 3pts
>Ginobili has to proof that he can ply good as a starter
>Nestervoic has to help Duncan more, at least on pts and rebs.
2. [b]Twolves[/b]
An injuires, new scratching team can be the top seed of last season, should be either 1 of 2 this season too. I put it in 2nd becoz their PG issue and Center spot. They cannot win the West Champion becoz of the injuried S.Cassell and T.Hudson....A disappointed Candyman in the center, he cant grabs rebs, no screens, no pts.......sigh
3. [b]Kings[/b]
Kings still can be 3rd becoz of Bibby, Jackson, Christie and Miller.
Peja and Webber issue can be solved by coach actually. Bench Webber if he is not listening. Suns and Lakers are in the same group, but i don think they have enough impact. Both Lakers and Suns have a nice starting lineup actually. S.Marion and A.Stoudemire is not willing to ply C and also not enough backup. Lakers, as Shaq gone, Kobe is becomes a bigger "black hole" now. C.Butler and L.Odom can support Lakers's weakness SF and PF but if Kobe is willing to pass the ball.
4. [b]Dallas[/b]
Dallas is the 4th becoz their starting and bench are good.
Starting could be Terry, Daniels, Finely, Dirk and Dampier. J.Howard should be the 6th person. Also Dickau, Stackhouse and Booth can contribute in their limiting time as well. Dampier is assumed the final piece of Dallas. Dampier scoring should be dropped, but expecting his rebs and blk can be improved.
5. [b]Rockets[/b]
Yao + T-mac is the new version of Kobe + Shaq but not yet. Yao already proof that his passing and scoring but has to improve his rebs and physical contact. J.Howard should be starting PF, his scoring should draw attention and avoid double team of Yao. A new T-mac is coming this season, his scoring is no doubt and he could proof that he is a good defensive player as well. J.Jackson continue his consisitency scoring and rebs. I guess C.Ward is the starting PG becoz his defensive skills and also well-known of Vgundy system. Sura could backup Ward and T-mac as well.
6. [b]Jazz[/b]
One more year mature and a healthy M.Harping, also new coming C.Boozer and M.OKur could help Jazz a lot. Boozer provides scoring and rebs which Jazz is desired in last season. Okur mid-range could fit Jazz's pick-and-roll system.
7. [b]Denver[/b]
Kmart provides beast scoring and rebs to Denver. But i doubt that he can ply well with any PG except J.Kidd.
8. [b]Grizzlies[/b]
An underrated team last season, but everyone will draw attention to them this season. B.Cardinal provides energytic emotion to Grizzlies. The successful of Grizzlies last season becoz they get enough players and support on every position. At least 2 backup on every position, so everyone can provide as efficiency as they can, also enough rest as well. There are 2 trading rumours of Grizzlies
> Trade B.Wells+S.Swift for E.Curry
> Trade J.Williams+J.Posey for E.Jones on paper, Dallas 係好勁。 甘但係呢個陣同以前既Lakers同Portland有咩分別呢?
Jason Terry係一個進攻型既pg,佢黎到Dallas就只會變左舊年既Walker,跟本就多餘。同Finley同Dirk同場,Jason Terry 就只可以同Daniels, Stackhouse 爭3rd option。佢係個Hawks 時,個team 都好似好勁,咪又係死,所以Jason Terry 唔好似Nash甘第起隊波。
黎左Dampier 可以加強內線防守,但係Najera, Walker走左,一加一減,Dallas 既防守只係微微甘提升左。除左Dampier 之外重有邊個可以打防守呢?冇左Nash,邊個黎組織攻勢呢? on paper, Dallas 係好勁。 甘但係呢個陣同以前既Lakers同Portland有咩分別呢?
[b]sure diff
Lakers wont teamplay
Portland cannot create team chemistry[/b]
Jason Terry係一個進攻型既pg,佢黎到Dallas就只會變左舊年既Walker,跟本就多餘。同Finley同Dirk同場,Jason Terry 就只可以同Daniels, Stackhouse 爭3rd option。佢係個Hawks 時,個team 都好似好勁,咪又係死,所以Jason Terry 唔好似Nash甘第起隊波。
[b]Walker cannot fit the Dallas system, not his fault. He is a good passer actually. Stackhouse wont on the court and he wont be 3rd option. Hawks is totally a team with lots of problems, coach, players, bench are not qualified. [/b]
黎左Dampier 可以加強內線防守,但係Najera, Walker走左,一加一減,Dallas 既防守只係微微甘提升左。除左Dampier 之外重有邊個可以打防守呢?冇左Nash,邊個黎組織攻勢呢?
[b]Daniel and Harris can replace Nash.
No doubt that defense is improved after Dampier arrival. Maybe his scoring will reduce, but his rebs and blk will increase[/b] It's hard to say...anyways let see how will this turn on.
Maybe it will be Houston 8th and Dallas 3rd, Denver 4th, who knows... 過左 成季了 推返呢個post上黎~
係咪食錯藥??:P hahhahahaha.,,, I am sure you predicts something wrong
I thought Lakers should be around 7th seeds..but when they are playing like that.
I want they are out of playoffs wo lol
我竟然估 BUCKS!
wolves 都冇人估到 Cassell Sprewell 打成咁
第 2??
playoff 都冇份........ Well, actually Bucks lost Brain Skinners to kill them..
no one is in blocking/rebounding ability in Bucks now....
that's why they play it... not as good as they were last year.
but I still give a great Credit for Terry Porter, this team.. the spirit is still in there. too bad i wasn't here when this topic was posted:(
but i think i'll get 90% wrong anyway.................
actually we can see the main factor affecting prediction and reality is team chemistry....
a squad full of stars may not be as good as a team with great team spirit...
maybe we gotta take it into account next year~:D [quote]Originally posted by [i]crap[/i] at 2005-3-20 10:30 PM:
too bad i wasn't here when this topic was posted:(
but i think i'll get 90% wrong anyway.................
actually we can see the main factor affecting prediction and reality is team chemistry ... [/quote]
所以DREAM TEAM 都會輸波 who would have thought twolves would suck this much
and pacers...haha
(ppl have started for 4get that he was the defensive player of the yr last yr)
and addition of nash to the suns...would be this dramatic [quote]Originally posted by [i]herothree[/i] at 2005-3-22 02:05 AM:
who would have thou ... [/quote]
right.... these are the greatest superises so far...
by the way, who do u think will be this years' def. player of the yr? if that's no injury... Larry Hughes
including everything.... em.......
Shawn Marion [quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2005-3-22 06:54 AM:
if that's no injury... Larry Hughes
including everything.... em.......
Shawn Marion [/quote]
i havn't seen Huges play for a looong time (last time was he's still a 76ers....)
i just know he steals a lot this year.......
but in my mind he's still a stupid boy....
how does he play now actually?
i like Marion's style more though he's one of the theives in Wizards this year........
of cos he's getting more mature nowadays. [quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2005-3-22 03:12 PM:
he's one of the theives in Wizards this year........
of cos he's getting more mature nowadays. [/quote]
o, that's great for him
but i just couldn't imagine how he looks like when he focus on defence..:P
so how do u compare him with Artest?