[食店推介] 小雨天
位置: 葵芳葵興廣場2樓小雨天價錢: $30左右
最好食係: 豬骨湯蠔仔肉碎泡飯 / 酸菜肉碎飯
果到超多人, 就算到三點幾都依然好多人.....
講真, 如果講服務態度....果到係0 分, d野食同野飲要等好耐, 好多時漏單, 而且仲坐得好迫(因為多人)
另外酸菜肉碎飯縮左水, 以前d餸係多到遮住d飯...但係依家d餸少左好多....又加左價...
不過依然好多人幫襯....因為真係好食, 所以要"忍受"下....
佢d材料真係好簡單, 好似酸菜肉碎飯咁, 全部平價材料...但係食落口酸酸辣辣好開胃....
豬骨湯蠔仔肉碎泡飯, d湯好清好鮮味....
(唔好意思, 話曬唔係食評人, 所以我唔知點去形容)
不過建議: 唔好外賣叫泡飯, 我岩岩先買返黎食...買之前問左佢係咪湯飯分開, 佢點左頭...點知係放埋一齊....攪到我由葵芳返到太子先食...口感差左少少 (d飯吸曬d湯) I thought that HK restaurent's service would be improve after the economic crash... But they still like this..sad to hear this man, Dun think I will go no matter how delicious it is... 我好中意食蠔仔GA!~味道好正斗GA!~
幾好食都係假啦! 呢間我聽過~都幾出名ga wo~~不過真係成日都好多人唔想去等.. 豬骨湯蠔仔肉碎泡飯 / 酸菜肉碎飯
重好好添:good::good::good: 呢間野的確係唔錯,我之前響果頭讀書都成日果間食野嫁...仲有呢度d風南米粉都幾正嫁 gum far i always have lunch there. There are so many people all the time. The service is..........worse than it's food. But it's food is not that good now, seems deteriorate a lot. I do not recommend this. 的確,果間真係幾ok 我覺得一般,同埋門口d女仔同ar姐起到拉客好煩!!! ok la~so far so gd,但又未見得真係十分好 豬骨湯蠔仔肉碎泡飯
呢個聽落好正 [quote]Originally posted by [i]極樂[/i] at 2006-7-22 06:02 PM:
位置: 葵芳葵興廣場2樓小雨天
價錢: ... [/quote]
係:葵芳葵涌廣場ar(麻煩加多留意錯別字) [quote]Originally posted by [i]siulun3k[/i] at 2006-7-22 09:57 PM:
我覺得一般,同埋門口d女仔同ar姐起到拉客好煩!!! [/quote]
你/妳經常去架? [quote]Originally posted by [i]siulun3k[/i] at 2006-7-22 09:57 PM:
我覺得一般,同埋門口d女仔同ar姐起到拉客好煩!!! [/quote]
行過佢唔理三七廿一都叫你入去食,的確好煩 我當<占仰毀容>時, d工作人員成日都話:屬於下列十二生肖者,擰埋一邊
(當然,我想食時我會主動走埋去) [quote]Originally posted by [i]ronin0587[/i] at 2006-7-23 01:55 AM:
我當<占仰毀容>時, d工作人員成日都話:屬於下列十二生肖者,擰埋一邊
(當然,我想食時我會主動走埋去) [/quote]
即係咩意思???唔係好明你講咩wo [quote]Originally posted by [i]siulun3k[/i] at 2006-7-22 09:57 PM:
我覺得一般,同埋門口d女仔同ar姐起到拉客好煩!!! [/quote]
我都食過~覺得一般...有實力ge 唔需要係門口拉客~ 麻麻地,so far so good咁~ is 葵芳 in 葵興?? i dun think i can ever try coz i mix up this 葵芳葵興 place all the time