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tangjohntang 發表於 2006-7-26 02:06 PM

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sakura310 發表於 2006-7-26 02:08 PM


〥~灝~〥 發表於 2006-7-26 02:10 PM


clkgtr 發表於 2006-7-26 04:07 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]ilikeevolution[/i] at 2006-7-26 09:36 AM:
我知道吃壽司可以用手食~ 可以唔洗用筷子~ [/quote]

你鍾意既, 你酒樓食飯都可以用手食嫁 :P :giveup:

kok003 發表於 2006-7-26 04:11 PM


taviaorg 發表於 2006-7-26 04:15 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]queenly[/i] at 2006-7-25 06:37 PM:

仲要食麵shu shu聲:P [/quote]

clkgtr 發表於 2006-7-26 04:18 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]taviaorg[/i] at 2006-7-26 04:15 PM:

:cry:係呀,都不慣ge [/quote]

正常人自然咁食麵一定會有shu shu聽嫁喎 :haha:

negator 發表於 2006-7-26 07:22 PM


queenly 發表於 2006-7-26 07:25 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]clkgtr[/i] at 2006-7-26 04:18 PM:

正常人自然咁食麵一定會有shu shu聽嫁喎 :haha: [/quote]
講開又係, d女仔食麵難過男仔好多, 男仔shu shu聲都得, 女仔要就住就住, 好慘:(

692004 發表於 2006-7-26 07:31 PM


clkgtr 發表於 2006-7-26 11:56 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]queenly[/i] at 2006-7-26 07:25 PM:

講開又係, d女仔食麵難過男仔好多, 男仔shu shu聲都得, 女仔要就住就住, 好慘:( [/quote]

佢地費事整花個妝啫 :haha:

hubingandtvb 發表於 2006-7-26 11:58 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]keanu128[/i] at 2006-7-25 09:34 PM:
我好想知:cry::cry: [/quote]

ilikeevolution 發表於 2006-7-27 12:00 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]clkgtr[/i] at 2006-7-26 11:56 PM:

佢地費事整花個妝啫 :haha: [/quote]

lip stick 呀~

clkgtr 發表於 2006-7-27 12:01 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]ilikeevolution[/i] at 2006-7-27 12:00 AM:

lip stick 呀~ [/quote]

都係妝既其中一部分啫 :haha:

leungtg 發表於 2006-7-27 12:30 AM

would it be easier to use hands eating?

nec55 發表於 2006-7-27 08:31 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]tangjohntang[/i] at 2006-7-26 02:06 PM:

睇电视剧阿信吃壽司好似真系用手食 [/quote]
Is this true!
could not believe it!

mwj2003 發表於 2006-7-28 06:19 PM

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r0211272 發表於 2006-7-28 06:23 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]nec55[/i] at 2006-7-27 08:31 PM:

Is this true!
could not believe it!
:clap::clap: [/quote]
but the sushi shop usually give you chopstick, I think this isn't true

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