娛樂滿紛 26FUN's Archiver

76 發表於 2006-7-27 12:49 PM


wangjacky 發表於 2006-7-27 12:49 PM


r0211272 發表於 2006-7-27 12:59 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2006-7-27 05:33 AM:

沙田邊度有? 我經開要食下先 [/quote]
no more la

kgkgkg212121 發表於 2006-7-27 01:33 PM


pk_devil69 發表於 2006-7-27 01:36 PM


zauri 發表於 2006-7-27 01:38 PM


kgkgkg212121 發表於 2006-7-27 01:40 PM

我一直都覺得有好多... 因為我住荃灣,呢區又有2間wo

r0211272 發表於 2006-7-27 01:40 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]pk_devil69[/i] at 2006-7-27 01:36 PM:
佢ge唔長進同美心快餐一樣... [/quote]
maxims focus on bread & cakes, I think

bigfish 發表於 2006-7-27 01:40 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kgkgkg212121[/i] at 2006-7-27 01:33 PM:
荃灣有2間ar........ [/quote]

r0211272 發表於 2006-7-27 01:42 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2006-7-27 01:40 PM:

荃灣竟然有兩間??:mad: [/quote]
how come shatin have none :cry:

bigfish 發表於 2006-7-27 01:43 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]pk_devil69[/i] at 2006-7-27 01:36 PM:
佢ge唔長進同美心快餐一樣... [/quote]

r0211272 發表於 2006-7-27 01:43 PM

BTW, i think I haven't went to hartez's or more than 4years, since the shop in new town plaza and city one closed

bigfish 發表於 2006-7-27 01:45 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]r0211272[/i] at 2006-7-27 01:43 PM:
BTW, i think I haven't went to hartez's or more than 4years, since the shop in new town plaza and city one closed [/quote]
串錯字, 係 hardees'

kgkgkg212121 發表於 2006-7-27 01:45 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]r0211272[/i] at 2006-7-27 01:42 PM:

how come shatin have none :cry: [/quote]
d quota俾荃灣拎左~:naughty::D

bigfish 發表於 2006-7-27 01:50 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kgkgkg212121[/i] at 2006-7-27 01:45 PM:

d quota俾荃灣拎左~:naughty::D [/quote]
咁全香港咪得4 間?:crybye:

negator 發表於 2006-7-27 01:52 PM


kgkgkg212121 發表於 2006-7-27 01:54 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2006-7-27 01:50 PM:

咁全香港咪得4 間?:crybye: [/quote]
咁少?? :eek:

會員仔 發表於 2006-7-27 01:55 PM


bigfish 發表於 2006-7-27 01:56 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]kgkgkg212121[/i] at 2006-7-27 01:54 PM:

咁少?? :eek: [/quote]
我想知有冇第五間, 想問大家

bigfish 發表於 2006-7-27 01:56 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]會員仔[/i] at 2006-7-27 01:55 PM:
以前西九龍中心有間...但係而家執左..... [/quote]
佢d 煙肉, 同 m 記d 煙肉差好遠, 哈記好好多

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