sherryliu 發表於 2006-8-6 04:04 AM
gn00987333 發表於 2006-8-6 04:06 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-6 04:04 AM:
Great! [/quote]
what a you doing:confused:
sherryliu 發表於 2006-8-6 04:09 AM
Studying, and reading.
gn00987333 發表於 2006-8-6 04:12 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-6 04:09 AM:
Studying, and reading. [/quote]
Today does not use the work:confused:
sherryliu 發表於 2006-8-6 04:16 AM
Huh? You mean I don't go to work today, or you mean, don't work on weekend?
gn00987333 發表於 2006-8-6 04:17 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-6 04:16 AM:
Huh? You mean [color=Red]I don't go to work today[/color], or you mean, don't work on weekend? [/quote]
sherryliu 發表於 2006-8-6 04:18 AM
It's saturday, of course I don't need to go to work.
gn00987333 發表於 2006-8-6 04:20 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-6 04:18 AM:
It's saturday, of course I don't need to go to work. [/quote]
in hong kong may be go to work:haha:
gn00987333 發表於 2006-8-6 04:21 AM
bath later come back
sherryliu 發表於 2006-8-6 04:23 AM
People work on the weekends?
clkgtr 發表於 2006-8-6 04:46 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-6 04:23 AM:
People work on the weekends? [/quote]
most ppl would be :giveup:
sherryliu 發表於 2006-8-6 04:51 AM
That's no good.
clkgtr 發表於 2006-8-6 04:57 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-6 04:51 AM:
That's no good. [/quote]
and always have OT :giveup:
sherryliu 發表於 2006-8-6 05:06 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]clkgtr[/i] at 2006-8-6 04:57 AM:
and always have OT :giveup: [/quote]
No family time?
teramishu 發表於 2006-8-6 05:15 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-6 05:06 AM:
No family time? [/quote]
HongKong poeple too busy, everything, everytime also MONEY MONEY MONEY!
So that you can see lots of the teenagers stay at street at mid night n dont want to go home!
[color=Red]No Communication n Caring from Parents![/color]
clkgtr 發表於 2006-8-6 05:16 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-6 05:06 AM:
No family time? [/quote]
most ppl will work till almost 19:00-21:00 in weekdays (for 9 to 5 job)
for some ppl (eg. accountant firm), they may be work till 24:00 :giveup:
clkgtr 發表於 2006-8-6 05:18 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-8-6 05:15 AM:
HongKong poeple too busy, every... [/quote]
those kinds of teenagers normally because of their parents are so strict for them :giveup:
teramishu 發表於 2006-8-6 05:18 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-6 05:06 AM:
No family time? [/quote]
Western people likes to Enjoy n Relax...
teramishu 發表於 2006-8-6 05:25 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]clkgtr[/i] at 2006-8-6 05:18 AM:
those kinds of teenagers normally because of their parents are so strict for them :giveup: [/quote]
I knew it from Hong Kong program...:P
Have to sleep now...
Tomolo go back hometown visit my family members!:D
Good Night, Brother!:good:
clkgtr 發表於 2006-8-6 05:26 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-8-6 05:25 AM:
I knew it from Hong Kong program...:P
Have to sleep now...
Tomolo go back hometown visit my family members!:D
Good Night, Brother!:good: [/quote]
good night, dont wet ur bed sheet :crybye: