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Triangel 發表於 2006-8-25 01:26 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar Davids[/i] at 2006-8-25 01:23 PM:

You lied to us ~~~ :dev: [/quote]

Trap.... Trap.... Trap.... I'm not Stupid:dev:

teramishu 發表於 2006-8-25 01:26 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 2006-8-25 01:20 PM:

I lie to gary?
     I lie to E.D.?
           I lie to :help: [/quote]

Can you guys please stop it?!!!
Dont talk something bad bout TriTri, ok???:mad:
[size=5][color=Red][color=Black][color=Red]Even in fact, he is a Very Big Lier![/color][/color][/color][/size]
Please keep his secret, ok?!!!:dev:

Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-8-25 01:27 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 25-8-2006 13:26:

Trap.... Trap.... Trap.... I'm not Stupid:dev: [/quote]

How you seem not stupid ??? :confused::confused:

Triangel 發表於 2006-8-25 01:27 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]甘國武[/i] at 2006-8-25 01:24 PM:

... 你 d 好 Sweet ... :haha::haha::haha: [/quote]


Triangel 發表於 2006-8-25 01:29 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-8-25 01:26 PM:

Can you guys please stop it?!!!... [/quote]

:gun: :gun:
:gun: :gun::gun:
:gun: :gun::gun::gun:
:gun: :gun::gun::gun::gun:
:gun: :gun::gun::gun::gun:
:gun: :gun::gun::gun:
:gun: :gun::gun:
:gun: :gun:

Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-8-25 01:30 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 25-8-2006 13:26:

Can you guys please stop it?!!!
Dont talk something bad bout TriTri, ok???
[size=6][color=Red]Even in fact, [size=60][color=Red][b]he[/b][/color][/size] is a Very Big Lier![/color][/size]
Please keep his secret, ok?!!![/quote]

I did not say bad things and hurt [b][size=6][color=Red]him[/color][/size][/b] ~~~~ :dev::dev::dev::dev:
I just want [b][size=6][color=Red]him[/color][/size][/b] to tell us the truth ~~ :P:P
And if [size=6][color=Red]he[/color][/size] doesn't like , that's not a matter ~~~  :D:D

I will not hurt [b][size=6][color=Red]HIM[/color][/size][/b] !!!! :cry::cry::cry:


Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-8-25 01:31 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 25-8-2006 13:27:

Thanks:P [/quote]

= . ="""""""

Trap ~

garycheung 發表於 2006-8-25 01:32 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-8-25 01:26 PM:

Can you guys please stop it?!!!... [/quote]

sherryliu 發表於 2006-8-25 01:33 PM

What are you guys talking about????? Everyone seems mad. haha

甘國武 發表於 2006-8-25 01:34 PM

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garycheung 發表於 2006-8-25 01:35 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]甘國武[/i] at 2006-8-25 01:34 PM:

我真係睇唔明ar:haha::haha::haha: [/quote]
English please~:dev:

garycheung 發表於 2006-8-25 01:36 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-25 01:33 PM:
What are you guys talking about????? Everyone seems mad. haha [/quote]
Whom you voted at this topic[url=http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=124933]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=124933[/url]

teramishu 發表於 2006-8-25 01:37 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-25 01:33 PM:
What are you guys talking about????? Everyone seems mad. haha [/quote]

We are talking bout [size=5][color=Red]TriTri is a Big Lier[/color][/size] in 26FUN! :dev:
Why he is a Big Lier?
The reason is...
[size=4][color=Red]I also dont know why?[/color][/size] :confused:

甘國武 發表於 2006-8-25 01:37 PM

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sherryliu 發表於 2006-8-25 01:37 PM

Myself, tritri told me its a contest about being a protagonist on some story

Triangel 發表於 2006-8-25 01:38 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-25 01:33 PM:
What are you guys talking about????? Everyone seems mad. haha [/quote]

Don't worry about them...  Noise are everywhere...
We just let them continue talking and leave them alone
why don't you and me going to the patio and sweet talk for a minutes.:dev:

[[i] Last edited by Triangel on 2006-8-25 at 01:44 PM [/i]]

teramishu 發表於 2006-8-25 01:39 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-8-25 01:37 PM:
Myself, tritri told me its a contest about being a protagonist on some story [/quote]

What if it is a[size=5][color=Red] Yellow Story[/color][/size]? :lol:

sherryliu 發表於 2006-8-25 01:40 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-8-24 09:39 PM:

What if it is a[size=5][color=Red] Yellow Story[/color][/size]? :lol: [/quote]
Yellow story?

Triangel 發表於 2006-8-25 01:40 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-8-25 01:39 PM:

What if it is a[size=5][color=Red] Yellow Story[/color][/size]? :lol: [/quote]

That is because Sherry have trust on me, haven't she?

Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-8-25 01:41 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 25-8-2006 13:33:
What are you guys talking about????? Everyone seems mad. haha [/quote]

Of coz we are mad ~~~ :D:D:D

This place is for people who wanna go mad ~~~ :D:D

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