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BarristerSpring 發表於 2006-9-22 02:59 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-9-22 02:57 PM:

A guy who never talk bout soccer suddenly join the soccer game...
Cheat Point...:lol::lol::lol: [/quote]

A guy who never talk bout soccer suddenly join the soccer game=cheat point???

bad logic:nogood::nogood:


sherryliu 發表於 2006-9-22 03:00 PM


teramishu 發表於 2006-9-22 03:06 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]BarristerSpring[/i] at 2006-9-22 02:59 PM:

A guy who never talk bout soccer suddenly join the soccer game=cheat point???

bad logic:nogood::nogood:

:dev: [/quote]

Becoz I am the organiser of this game...:naughty::naughty::naughty:

BarristerSpring 發表於 2006-9-22 03:07 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-9-22 03:06 PM:

Becoz I am the organiser of this game...:naughty::naughty::naughty: [/quote]
screw u


BarristerSpring 發表於 2006-9-22 03:08 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-9-22 03:06 PM:

Becoz I am the organiser of this game...:naughty::naughty::naughty: [/quote]
but you are not the one giving out pts...:naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty:

teramishu 發表於 2006-9-22 03:09 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]BarristerSpring[/i] at 2006-9-22 03:07 PM:

screw Sherry

:dev: [/quote]

[size=5][color=Red]You[/color][/size] want to [size=5][color=Red]have a Screw with Sherry[/color][/size]? :lol::lol::lol:
Oh God!!! :dev:

[[i] Last edited by teramishu on 2006-9-22 at 03:10 PM [/i]]

teramishu 發表於 2006-9-22 03:10 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]BarristerSpring[/i] at 2006-9-22 03:08 PM:

but you are not the one giving out pts...:naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty: [/quote]


BarristerSpring 發表於 2006-9-22 03:12 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-9-22 03:10 PM:

Really...:naughty::naughty::naughty: [/quote]
seriously.......you are picking up the wrong guy today..
fcuk off teramishu

sherryliu 發表於 2006-9-22 03:12 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-9-21 11:09 PM:

[size=5][color=Red]You[/... [/quote]
what the, screw me? Dream on

teramishu 發表於 2006-9-22 03:14 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]BarristerSpring[/i] at 2006-9-22 03:12 PM:

seriously.......you are picking up the wrong guy today..
fcuk off teramishu [/quote]

Your mood are not good today?
Take it easy man,
Ok lah, i will let you join my game...:help:

(P:S Your prediction look so pro...:naughty:)

teramishu 發表於 2006-9-22 03:16 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-9-22 03:12 PM:

what the, screw me? Come on [/quote]

Dont scare me...:haha::haha::haha:

sherryliu 發表於 2006-9-22 03:19 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-9-21 11:16 PM:

Dont scare me...:haha::haha::haha: [/quote]
I say dream on; NOT come on

teramishu 發表於 2006-9-22 03:23 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-9-22 03:00 PM:
[color=Red]lalalalalalalala[/color] [/quote]

So What makes you feel so happy today?

Let me guess...
Since today no school...
So you went out dating with someone just now...
So Sweet...:D

sherryliu 發表於 2006-9-22 03:24 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-9-21 11:23 PM:

So What makes you feel so happy today?

Let me guess...
Since today no school...
So you went out dating with someone just now...
So Sweet...:D [/quote]
went out with my friends

teramishu 發表於 2006-9-22 03:26 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-9-22 03:24 PM:

went out with my friends [/quote]

Went out with friend wont make you 'lalalalalalalalala...' one
And now is midnight already...
So...Something special happen just now...:naughty:

teramishu 發表於 2006-9-22 03:27 PM

This is nice for you...:D


sherryliu 發表於 2006-9-22 03:29 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-9-21 11:26 PM:

Went out with friend wont make you 'lalalalalalalalala...' one
And now is midnight already...
So...Something special happen just now...:naughty: [/quote]
nothng happen just now...I am going to sleep now, night

playbr2 發表於 2006-9-22 03:32 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 2006-9-22 03:27 PM:
This is nice for you...:D

[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3obGNYdMZHw&mode=related&search=[/url] [/quote]


teramishu 發表於 2006-9-22 03:33 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]playbr2[/i] at 2006-9-22 03:32 PM:

;);):P:P:P [/quote]

What are you doing there? :confused:

Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-9-22 04:21 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]teramishu[/i] at 22-9-2006 15:06:

Becoz I am the organiser of this game...:naughty::naughty::naughty: [/quote]

[color=Red]"Everyone has a chance to play the game" said 清揚 once.....
The [size=6][b]Original[/b][/size] organiser of this game,not even me.

If you want to break the rules, you can still organise games...
[size=6][b]BUT[/b][/size] you [size=6][b]SHOULD[/b][/size] not use the title [b]"搏FUN攞彩系列"[/b].....

[size=6][b]IF[/b][/size] you use the title "搏FUN攞彩系列"...you MUST open to public, to everyone in 26FUN....
And[size=6] [b]DON'T[/b] [/size]use the word [size=9][b]"CHEAT"[/b][/size] anymore to my dearest players....
It is [size=6][b]totally[/b][/size] nasty and nonsense ~


[[i] Last edited by Edgar Davids on 2006-9-22 at 04:27 PM [/i]]

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