娛樂滿紛 26FUN's Archiver

Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-11-16 02:21 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 16-11-2006 13:57:

At the beginning:
       四零... [/quote]

Are you playing ? :haha:

Triangel 發表於 2006-11-16 02:27 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar Davids[/i] at 2006-11-16 02:21 PM:

Are you playing ? :haha: [/quote]

I'm really waiting for his MSN tonight~ :help:
It's getting late~:haha:

sherryliu 發表於 2006-11-16 02:28 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 2006-11-15 10:10 PM:

yo... what's up, mann [/quote]
not a man :(

BarristerSpring 發表於 2006-11-16 02:32 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-11-16 02:28 PM:

not a man :( [/quote]

Triangel 發表於 2006-11-16 02:32 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-11-16 02:28 PM:

not a man :( [/quote]

Our Sweet Little dawg, How's your day today?

Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-11-16 02:39 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 16-11-2006 14:27:

I'm really waiting for his MSN tonight~ :help:
It's getting late~:haha: [/quote]

I'm really wanting to know what's happened on Big T ??? :help:

Triangel 發表於 2006-11-16 02:42 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar Davids[/i] at 2006-11-16 02:39 PM:

I'm really wanting to know what's happened on Big T ??? :help: [/quote]

I will let you know after I have chance to talk with him tonight~

Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-11-16 02:59 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 16-11-2006 14:42:

I will let you know after I have chance to talk with him tonight~ [/quote]

I will give you the chance to talk after I have been let to know ~ :dev:

sherryliu 發表於 2006-11-16 03:02 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 2006-11-15 10:32 PM:

Our Sweet Little dawg, How's your day today? [/quote]
trying every way to kill myself

Triangel 發表於 2006-11-16 03:06 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 2006-11-16 03:02 PM:

trying every way to kill myself [/quote]

That's not even funny~:haha:

Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-11-16 03:07 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 16-11-2006 15:02:

trying every way to kill myself [/quote]

S   Y
H   R
E   R
R   E
R   H
Y   S

sherryliu 發表於 2006-11-16 03:22 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Triangel[/i] at 2006-11-15 11:06 PM:

That's not even funny~:haha: [/quote]
7 university applications to finish, and school work piling up

Triangel 發表於 2006-11-16 03:32 PM

:sleep: :sleep::crybye:

BarristerSpring 發表於 2006-11-17 02:11 AM


Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-11-17 09:14 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]BarristerSpring[/i] at 17-11-2006 02:11:
back:kicking: [/quote]

Winter :good:

sherryliu 發表於 2006-11-17 09:18 AM

winter sucks

Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-11-17 09:42 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 17-11-2006 09:18:
[b][color=Red]Spring[/color][/b] sucks [/quote]

What are you saying ??? :naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::dev::dev::dev:

sherryliu 發表於 2006-11-17 09:51 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar Davids[/i] at 2006-11-16 05:42 PM:

What are you saying ??? :naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::dev::dev::dev: [/quote]
i said winter... btw I like spring

Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-11-17 09:54 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]sherryliu[/i] at 17-11-2006 09:51:

i said winter... btw I [b][color=Red]like spring[/color][/b] [/quote]

I must quote this sentense and pass it to [color=White]Barrister[/color]Spring ~~~ :naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::dev::dev::dev:

sherryliu 發表於 2006-11-17 10:01 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar Davids[/i] at 2006-11-16 05:54 PM:

I must quote this sentense and pass it to [color=White]Barrister[/color]Spring ~~~ :naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty::dev::dev::dev: [/quote]
hey, trick question, i was talking about the season, spring...

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