之前有個post有人教點開..但我睇極都唔明-.-"有冇人可以教多次啊...下載左金庸想玩返又玩唔到>< 我個xp可以開喎~~ 有冇人教下我-.-"
你有冇做過咩之後先開到? 我都開到- - [quote]Originally posted by [i]makin[/i] at 2006-8-1 08:37 PM:
你有冇做過咩之後先開到? [/quote]
用DOSBOX(係唔係咁叫)得唔得? for those files that run under MS-DOS, you can set the condition to run under Windows 95.....
let's say you want to open an EXE file
right click on the file and go to properties
then chose the second tab...then you will see option to run the exe file under Windows 95, Windows 98, NT or something else
choose Windows 95, then it should be okay 我已經跟左你既方法..將佢用win95黎開..但係就出左呢個畫面