這兩間航空公司無論在服務或安全程度方面在業界係首屈一指。作為香港人,我絕對支持國泰。所以我每一次去旅行都係首選國泰。同時好多人都話星加坡航空都好好。大家多數會選坐國泰航空OR星加坡航空?? 我坐卡塔爾航空 兩間都會不過本人會選擇星航多啲 Short flights (5hrs or less flight time) I'll take CX. Long flights I'll take SQ. Coz if you're sitting in Economy Class for a long flight of CX (e.g. CX271 Hong Kong to Amsterdam), you might feel annoying coz everytime when I'm trying to get some sleep, the flight attendants will start pull out trolleys and serve cup noodles. It's noisy, smells bed, and the main point, I couldn't sleep... Cathay Pacific(CX) is the best!!!!
SQ is the second!!
because I was working in CX before emigration! 只係得呢兩間, 我會揀國泰, 因為空姐都會有d香港人.
如果可以揀埋其他, 一定首選港龍!!! [quote]Originally posted by [i]kamkamshow[/i] at 2006-10-31 02:22 PM:
只係得呢兩間, 我會揀國泰, 因為空姐都會有d香港人.
如果可以揀埋其他, 一定首選港龍!!! [/quote]
国泰收购晒港龙啦!!100%控股果只添!! i like 國泰 , 香港空姐多 ! **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** i like CX more 一定首選國泰航空 國泰好似吸引d:agree: but i don't like filter-137hay pacific,always no smile CX 係...rubbish...=.= 自己上去 [url]www.xanga.com/cxsucks[/url] , 就一目了然~
卡塔爾航空係好野!!! 真係好既 我自認搭過飛過70次來回,因本人係有discount, 我think 卡塔爾航空係the best~ 短程坐cx還可以, 長程就無謂啦. cx d位前後距離窄到不得了. looks the same for me 當然選國泰~ 我去香港的时候,就是坐國泰。我感觉服务还不错,空姐也漂亮 that's great!!!!!!1