[size=4][url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozDh4NQveJs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozDh4NQveJs[/url][/size]:good::good::good: watched this b4...she is really good singer [quote]Originally posted by [i]Project.D[/i] at 2006-9-14 01:42 PM:}0ERHpCcwatched this b4...she is really good singer [/quote]"K&hO[1Zf7W7j
YES, SHE'S GREAT~~:agree::agree: 睇到呆左..........=.= 11歲已經有張學友現時架唱功,有過之而無不及 [quote]Originally posted by [i]garycheung[/i] at 2006-9-14 01:54 PM: m$Q&_#Ios
YES, SHE'S GREAT~~:agree::agree: [/quote]
:agree: 只有一個字可以形容我ge感受
""""勁"""" 佢抵lor啦s?Wvsq)A9R
我自問無可能做到佢咁 O晒咀,唔講真係以為玩緊配音......哈哈!!
.Ttvx.T Su u
超勁............... 之前睇過lu~~Xy6_&qd/@s
佢贏左拿??好勁~~~ actually foreign singers have ( and should have) this quality and they do have. shes good, only because shes 12. j~0~-vW
wonder if she can really become a star.
btw, shes only good at singing but how about other things? songwriting? lyrics? a 'pure' singer or group is very very unlikely to survive in the western world.