Rated-R 發表於 2006-11-12 09:10 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Xtravagant[/i] at 2006-11-12 21:08:
同一時間 5個manager 搵拒 haha...
今日死左邊? [/quote]
terryjog06 發表於 2006-11-12 09:11 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar Davids[/i] at 2006-11-12 09:09 PM:
You still think that Bibby is that weak......................:o:o:o:o:o [/quote]
Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-11-12 09:12 PM
If Ellis + Bibby are okay....
Then deal our trade ~
Rated-R 發表於 2006-11-12 09:12 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar Davids[/i] at 2006-11-12 21:09:
You still think that Bibby is that weak......................:o:o:o:o:o [/quote]
Bibby + Peja
Boozer + ???
Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-11-12 09:13 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Rated-R[/i] at 12-11-2006 21:08:
:good:英雄一個 [/quote]
Please Deal your promise too ~ :dev:
Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-11-12 09:13 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 12-11-2006 21:09:
Can't believe you pass on my offer...:cry::cry:... [/quote]
See my msg.........:(
Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-11-12 09:15 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Rated-R[/i] at 12-11-2006 21:12:
Bibby + Peja
Boozer + ???
;) [/quote]
Boozer isn't good wor.....:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
harvey22 發表於 2006-11-12 09:17 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar Davids[/i] at 2006-11-12 09:13 PM:
See my msg.........:( [/quote]
You realise that you gave up Bogut & Jsmith for LAI & Peja?:sleep:
terryjog06 發表於 2006-11-12 09:17 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar Davids[/i] at 2006-11-12 09:15 PM:
Boozer isn't good wor.....:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: [/quote]
i just want deal with u...but....
Rated-R 發表於 2006-11-12 09:18 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar Davids[/i] at 2006-11-12 21:15:
Boozer isn't good wor.....:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: [/quote]
No , he is Great:eek:
Xtravagant 發表於 2006-11-12 09:18 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 2006-11-12 09:17 PM:
You realise that you gave up Bogut & Jsmith for LAI & Peja?:sleep: [/quote]
x :agree::agree::agree:
Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-11-12 09:23 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Rated-R[/i] at 12-11-2006 21:18:
No , he is Great:eek: [/quote]
really ? :eek::eek::eek:
Edgar_Davids 發表於 2006-11-12 09:23 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Xtravagant[/i] at 12-11-2006 21:18:
x :agree::agree::agree: [/quote]
who is LAI ?
Rated-R 發表於 2006-11-12 09:23 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar Davids[/i] at 2006-11-12 21:23:
really ? :eek::eek::eek: [/quote]
eqhigh 發表於 2006-11-12 09:24 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar Davids[/i] at 2006-11-12 09:15 PM:
[color=Red]Boozer isn't good wor[/color].....:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: [/quote]
:eek::eek::eek::eek:He is the top C in the league
Xtravagant 發表於 2006-11-12 09:25 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar Davids[/i] at 2006-11-12 09:23 PM:
who is LAI ? [/quote]
艾力克 發表於 2006-11-12 09:26 PM
唉.. 而家好似rated-r玩緊兩隊咁 :cry:
eqhigh 發表於 2006-11-12 09:26 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar Davids[/i] at 2006-11-12 09:23 PM:
who is LAI ? [/quote]
[color=Red]A[/color]ndre [color=Red]I[/color]guodala
terryjog06 發表於 2006-11-12 09:27 PM
boozer 21.9平均分 12.3倘籃板 同yao bosh okur同為最好C今季
[[i] Last edited by terryjog06 on 2006-11-12 at 09:28 PM [/i]]
eqhigh 發表於 2006-11-12 09:27 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar Davids[/i] at 2006-11-12 09:23 PM:
really ? :eek::eek::eek: [/quote]