harvey22 發表於 2007-1-22 06:35 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Xtravagant[/i] at 2007-1-22 06:33 PM:
exactly [/quote]
What if EQ trade Yao away :naughty::naughty:
Xtravagant 發表於 2007-1-22 06:36 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 2007-1-22 06:35 PM:
What if EQ trade Yao away :naughty::naughty: [/quote]
then he is very stupid
but then again, this is the best and safest move I can make right now,
I didnt expect PP to be out for more than 4 weeks... if I continue to hold 3 injured stars this season is over for me, for sure .
[[i] Last edited by Xtravagant on 2007-1-22 at 06:39 PM [/i]]
harvey22 發表於 2007-1-22 06:37 PM
ANyway,~ EQ, i can't give you zaza for free la,
because i 4got to pick up mikke moore lol~:hitwall:
terryjog06 發表於 2007-1-22 06:41 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Rated-R[/i] at 2007-1-22 06:31 PM:
搬了屋要早D sleep就真,尋晚場大戰都冇睇ar:nogood: [/quote]
我等緊二月full team:dev:到時輸都服
harvey22 發表於 2007-1-22 06:43 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]terryjog06[/i] at 2007-1-22 06:41 PM:
我等緊二月full team:dev:到時輸都服 [/quote]
You should buy ZO from me from insurance :dev:
terryjog06 發表於 2007-1-22 06:46 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 2007-1-22 06:43 PM:
You should buy ZO from me from insurance :dev: [/quote]
who is ZO?
harvey22 發表於 2007-1-22 06:49 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]terryjog06[/i] at 2007-1-22 06:46 PM:
who is ZO? [/quote]
Xtravagant 發表於 2007-1-22 06:51 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 2007-1-22 06:49 PM:
魔鈴:dev: [/quote]
Rated-R 發表於 2007-1-22 07:02 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]terryjog06[/i] at 2007-1-22 18:41:
我等緊二月full team:dev:到時輸都服 [/quote]
terryjog06 發表於 2007-1-22 07:35 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 2007-1-22 06:49 PM:
魔鈴:dev: [/quote]
Rated-R 發表於 2007-1-22 08:19 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 2007-1-22 18:43:
You should buy ZO from me from insurance :dev: [/quote]
harvey22 發表於 2007-1-22 10:15 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Rated-R[/i] at 2007-1-22 08:19 PM:
你咁都得ar? [/quote]
? N.O.Y.B! :sleep:
Rated-R 發表於 2007-1-22 10:21 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 2007-1-22 22:15:
? N.O.Y.B! :sleep: [/quote]
Xtravagant 發表於 2007-1-22 10:21 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 2007-1-22 10:15 PM:
? N.O.Y.B! :sleep: [/quote]
M.Y.O.B dou ok :D
harvey22 發表於 2007-1-22 10:22 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Xtravagant[/i] at 2007-1-22 10:21 PM:
M.Y.O.B dou ok :D [/quote]
hehe~ anyway juz kidding :P
艾力克 發表於 2007-1-22 10:36 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 2007-1-22 06:17 PM:
shoooet, 4got to pick up mikki moore lol~ [/quote]
i dun expect he is on the waive at that moment, i think people will waive him instead
it took me a long time to make this decision already
i signed watson mainly for beating EQ 9-0 only :dev::P:P
[[i] Last edited by 艾力克 on 2007-1-22 at 10:37 PM [/i]]
艾力克 發表於 2007-1-22 10:45 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Xtravagant[/i] at 2007-1-22 06:27 PM:
YAO ming 早D返﹐ EQ 會越勁
YAO 遲D返~ 證明我賣得好。
雙贏 XD [/quote]
how if we all veto the trade? :dev:
harvey22 發表於 2007-1-22 10:46 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2007-1-22 10:36 PM:
i dun expect he is on the waive a... [/quote]
Sorry mate, but i dun really understand what you saying~ :haha:
feuosma 發表於 2007-1-22 10:48 PM
艾力克 發表於 2007-1-22 10:49 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 2007-1-22 10:46 PM:
Sorry mate, but i dun really understand what you saying~ :haha: [/quote]
諗住krstic同jefferson都傷左, 實有人waive佢, 所以我先簽watson
點知竟然仲o係度, 都唔知要watson定moore好
不過諗既然watson只係用黎炒eq, 倒不如用moore玩耐d
唉...點解兩個勁人o係fa冇人簽搞到我諗咁耐架 :(