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艾力克 發表於 2007-1-27 02:26 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terryjog06[/i] at 2007-1-27 02:12 PM:

AK一轉攻擊型就傷:D [/quote]
bibby, paul, nelson, kobe:dev: 賣唔賣?

terryjog06 發表於 2007-1-27 02:33 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2007-1-27 02:26 PM:

bibby, paul, nelson, kobe:dev: 賣唔賣? [/quote]
allen換kobe 我唔會accept

Rated-R 發表於 2007-1-27 02:34 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terryjog06[/i] at 2007-1-27 14:12:

AK一轉攻擊型就傷:D [/quote]

艾力克 發表於 2007-1-27 02:35 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terryjog06[/i] at 2007-1-27 02:33 PM:

allen換kobe 我唔會accept [/quote]
kobe換allen我都唔會accept :D

[[i] Last edited by 艾力克 on 2007-1-27 at 02:39 PM [/i]]

feuosma 發表於 2007-1-27 02:40 PM





艾力克 發表於 2007-1-27 02:41 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]feuosma[/i] at 2007-1-27 02:40 PM:
想問大家打左咁耐...有冇見過一隊波一... [/quote]
ah 換 center, 點睇?
60stl? 邊個呀?

[[i] Last edited by 艾力克 on 2007-1-27 at 02:42 PM [/i]]

terryjog06 發表於 2007-1-27 02:42 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Rated-R[/i] at 2007-1-27 02:34 PM:

你睇少左carsell,他仍在nelson之上 [/quote]
我知丫 但唔夠你快pick

terryjog06 發表於 2007-1-27 02:43 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2007-1-27 02:35 PM:

kobe換allen我都唔會accept :D

[[i] Last edited by 艾力克 on 2007-1-27 at 02:39 PM [/i]] [/quote]

harvey22 發表於 2007-1-27 02:44 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]feuosma[/i] at 2007-1-27 12:17 PM:
哈哈...我個offer真係咁差咩?????好..... [/quote]

Hey~ after half a season gone i am juz sick of deals getting veto.... i think ppl should ask for advice b4 hand instead of getting adivce after the deal is pending, coz it really ruins everything... Altho i dun wanna take advantage of you :kiss: ( seriouslly i mean it) but i think after all those veto deals b4, ppl should learn from it and pay if you still do such things~:good::dev:

so how about this?

1) Give you another throw in eg zaza barg tins

2) I will vote the deal as well

3) shop around , if you can't ship AL for another player, come back to me.

;);)Anyway i wanna ask "if they didn't say anything about the deal, will you still veto?"
okies dokies dun get me wrong i am not mad or anything, so dun worry :P

terryjog06 發表於 2007-1-27 02:44 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]feuosma[/i] at 2007-1-27 02:40 PM:
想問大家打左咁耐...有冇見過一隊波一... [/quote]
睇左 想將gs果個變做A.mill:dev:

艾力克 發表於 2007-1-27 02:44 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terryjog06[/i] at 2007-1-27 02:43 PM:

咁根本冇得傾:crybye: [/quote]
講下姐 :haha:
我真係想要paul架 :help:

feuosma 發表於 2007-1-27 02:44 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2007-1-27 14:41:

ah 換 center, 點睇?
60stl? 邊個呀?

[[i] Last edited by 艾力克 on 2007-1-27 at 02:42 PM [/i]] [/quote]

要等個trade veto左先得........

Rated-R 發表於 2007-1-27 02:45 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terryjog06[/i] at 2007-1-27 14:42:

我知丫 但唔夠你快pick [/quote]

Rated-R 發表於 2007-1-27 02:48 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2007-1-27 14:44:

講下姐 :haha:
我真係想要paul架 :help: [/quote]

terryjog06 發表於 2007-1-27 02:50 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Rated-R[/i] at 2007-1-27 02:45 PM:

我對Prince,JC有興趣 [/quote]

Rated-R 發表於 2007-1-27 02:51 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terryjog06[/i] at 2007-1-27 14:50:

冇理由用佢地換番佢番黎 [/quote]

feuosma 發表於 2007-1-27 02:52 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 2007-1-27 14:44:

Hey~ after half a season gone i... [/quote]


terryjog06 發表於 2007-1-27 02:53 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Rated-R[/i] at 2007-1-27 02:51 PM:

nelson+佢地 [/quote]

Rated-R 發表於 2007-1-27 02:56 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terryjog06[/i] at 2007-1-27 14:53:

大概點trade呀? [/quote]

艾力克 發表於 2007-1-27 02:57 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terryjog06[/i] at 2007-1-27 02:53 PM:

大概點trade呀? [/quote]
david west for paul, what do you think?

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