Rated-R 發表於 2006-10-20 02:39 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]terryjog06[/i] at 2006-10-20 14:34:
好計:good: [/quote]
Rated-R 發表於 2006-10-20 11:09 PM
有冇人知Jason Terry仲乜???
艾力克 發表於 2006-10-20 11:11 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Rated-R[/i] at 2006-10-20 11:09 PM:
有冇人知Jason Terry仲乜??? [/quote]
with minor injuries only
Rated-R 發表於 2006-10-20 11:39 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2006-10-20 23:11:
with minor injuries only [/quote]
冇 熱過身喎
艾力克 發表於 2006-10-20 11:51 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Rated-R[/i] at 2006-10-20 11:39 PM:
冇 熱過身喎 [/quote]
熱身實姐, 主要係睇後備兵, 主力通常等佢地好晒先出
Xtravagant 發表於 2006-10-21 01:38 PM
[size=4][b]我有個建議﹐就係將draft pick簡剩既人﹐全部列為Waiver... 原因係呢個做法可以
1. 防止有人draft完之後﹐可以無條件地不停地轉人﹐ 對沒有來到live draft 既參賽者也好吾公平
如果set jor waiver 就可以避免呢個情形發生。D人如果1-2日內沒人簡﹐就會自動列入FA..
Xtravagant 發表於 2006-10-21 01:49 PM
今日朝早響第個le.到開始draft人...draft ranking 竟然係尾二...(個le.仲有成14個人:eek: )
算係幫自己做左場熱身啦~ 但簡人果陣真係好易亂...一亂就死...希望大家有心裡準備啦。
[[i] Last edited by Xtravagant on 2006-10-21 at 01:51 PM [/i]]
Rated-R 發表於 2006-10-21 02:35 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Xtravagant[/i] at 2006-10-21 13:38:
[size=4][b]我有個建議﹐就係將draft ... [/quote]
Rated-R 發表於 2006-10-21 02:49 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Xtravagant[/i] at 2006-10-21 13:49:
今日朝早響第個le.到開始draft人...draft ranking 竟然係尾二...(個le.仲有成14個人 )
算係幫自己做左場熱身啦~ [color=Red]但簡人果陣真係好易亂...一亂就死...希望大家有心裡準備啦。[/color]
[[i] Last edited by Rated-R on 2006-10-21 at 02:51 PM [/i]]
feuosma 發表於 2006-10-21 03:04 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Xtravagant[/i] at 2006-10-21 13:38:
[size=4][b]我有個建議﹐就係將draft ... [/quote]
Rated-R 發表於 2006-10-21 03:11 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Xtravagant[/i] at 2006-10-21 13:49:
今日朝早響第個le.到開始draft人...dr... [/quote]
Xtravagant 發表於 2006-10-21 03:35 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Rated-R[/i] at 2006-10-21 03:11 PM:
你而家有D乜人,好奇;) [/quote]
由於係玩roto league... 拒既計分方法同head to head 好吾同...
只係可以話你知... rd 8 D人已經將今年既新人們選購一空。(我自己就沒用新人...)
this is my list of ppl from another le (14 contestants:eek:) :
PG S. Marbury (呢個係我隊波最大既敗筆..原因我用3rd Rd去簡 - 我訓過龍電腦幫簡既 :cry:)
SG P. Pierce
SF M. Redd
PF C. Webber
C N. Krstic
Util T. Murphy
BN S. Parker
BN G. Hill
BN E. Curry
BN K. Martin (SG SAC)
Team A 戰鬥力49300:
PG C. Billups
SG R. Allen
SF A. Jamison
PF C. Frye
C C. Kaman
Util T. Parker
BN B. Gordon
BN K. Korver
BN N. Mohammed
BN R. Gay
Team B 戰鬥力49000:
PG S. Nash
SG M. Peterson
SF R. Lewis
PF T. Duncan
C S. O'Neal
Util S. Cassell
BN J. Crawford
BN M. Finley
BN B. Bowen
BN B. Cook
Team C 戰鬥力46000:
PG J. Johnson
SG R. Bell
SF K. Garnett
PF C. Villanueva
C T. Chandler
Util C. Anthony
BN J. Nelson
BN V. Radmanovic
BN M. Dunleavy
BN J. Przybilla
個le平均戰鬥力係 42000
[[i] Last edited by Xtravagant on 2006-10-21 at 03:38 PM [/i]]
艾力克 發表於 2006-10-21 03:40 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Xtravagant[/i] at 2006-10-21 01:49 PM:
今日朝早響第個le.到開始draft人...dr... [/quote]
1st... ppl should attend the live draft, unless they are unavailable; they should not say they forgot it
2nd... unless ppl did not attend the live draft and collected some poor guys, they would mostly find FA players to replace;
however, once you change all FA players to waivers, those ppl can only sign waivers; so.. what does it means?
they can not correct the error that they did not attend the live draft, and they have a poor waiver ranking afterwards
anyway, this would not affect me much as i must attend the live draft :P
but i admit that i am quite confusing on the draft yesterday :hitwall:
艾力克 發表於 2006-10-21 03:43 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Xtravagant[/i] at 2006-10-21 03:35 PM:
由於係玩roto league... 拒既計分... [/quote]
戰鬥力? :eek::eek:
14個人玩, 唔怪得d球員質素咁差啦
我覺得fa有d後備都會好過某幾個 ;)
feuosma 發表於 2006-10-21 03:45 PM
harvey22 發表於 2006-10-21 04:09 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Xtravagant[/i] at 2006-10-21 03:35 PM:
由於係玩roto league... 拒既計分... [/quote]
heyhey i wanna ask if is possible that you cap a few pics of the draft for us to see??
i wanna know how the page looks like incase i dunno how to use it that time and messs up:P
艾力克 發表於 2006-10-21 04:22 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]harvey22[/i] at 2006-10-21 04:09 PM:
heyhey i wanna ask if is possible that you cap a few pics of the draft for us to see??
i wanna know how the page looks like incase i dunno how to use it that time and messs up:P [/quote]
cap唔倒架, 要draft時先睇倒
time limit: 1:30
不過唔駛太care time limit o既, otherwise急就會揀錯
Xtravagant 發表於 2006-10-21 06:56 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]feuosma[/i] at 2006-10-21 03:45 PM:
你地同時開咁多個league....唔驚分心咩????:eek::eek::eek: [/quote]
我見到你張pic都會分心架 :P :naughty:
艾兄拒玩4個football fantasy le. 2個basketball fantasy le... :eek:
Xtravagant 發表於 2006-10-21 07:14 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]艾力克[/i] at 2006-10-21 03:40 PM:
1st... ppl should attend the live... [/quote]
yes, but the thing is, without the waiver, the good FA players will be scavenged by vultures of the le. and there won't be any pieces of 'good meat' left when they return.
[[i] Last edited by Xtravagant on 2006-10-21 at 07:38 PM [/i]]
Rated-R 發表於 2006-10-21 07:46 PM