Go to good reputation shop..... 尖咀
專呃遊客錢 wa~叫我個friend 唔好係度買野先得 大家記住驗左貨先比錢~" 下--
介紹到我地識啦..[至少] 我有次都想係果度買野0家.......不過見d sales咁樣
入0左去唔夠1分鐘走番出0黎...... Sometime ago, I went to a Mongkok shop to buy a DVD, I feel OK after testing. However, when I prepared to pay for it. The sales said this model was out already and recommended me to buy a new one. When I insisted to buy my brand DVD, the sales said the price not include with accessories (even power cable......), I got to pay more HK$300 to buy the cable and remote control accessories. I refused to pay, then one of sales went to close the shop door. Luckily, I escaped the shop immediatley.
So be careful, it is near Mongkok MTR entry. 百老匯 Mongkok district OK, don't go to TST. wa..依家真係好多黑店..
要小心d 先得 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** so poor
多謝提醒 Are you talkin about the little bit fat guy?
i jsut saw him yesterday... he was watching anime in his cell while selling it... 黑店......买野都系睇清楚D好
小心啊 間店叫咩名ar? 小心小心銅鑼灣同尖沙咀遊客區梗係多黑店喇...........