古董...., windows 1.0
有d懷念5寸半floppy... :D:D:D 我一開波用個陣係 WINDOWS 3.1唔知兒家仲有冇得買呢? 買左都冇用啦 應該冇啦!D floppy擺得耐會壞,可能要去microsoft博物館先有 [quote]Originally posted by [i]hold_find[/i] at 2006-11-7 05:17 PM:
應該冇啦!D floppy擺得耐會壞,可能要去microsoft博物館先有 [/quote]
Yes, but I still had floppy [quote]Originally posted by [i]joewml[/i] at 2006-11-7 05:20 PM:
Yes, but I still had floppy [/quote]
咁我都仲有 wow antique!! it might be older than me! lol 見都未見過ar....我開始玩o個陣都已經係win 95啦..... i never see and use this version........
according to someone, function and the GUI of Windows 1.0 is very similar to DOS [quote]Originally posted by [i]jublio[/i] at 2006-11-7 04:56 PM:
買左都冇用啦 [/quote]
咪就係囉:agree::agree: 好似dos 我一開始就用3.1, 未用過1.0, 勁 [quote]Originally posted by [i]Yui.i[/i] at 2006-11-7 11:09 PM:
見都未見過ar....我開始玩o個陣都已經係win 95啦..... [/quote]
我都係 !!!!