試過兩三隻game都係咁仲要係單人game 次次要入cd先玩到嗰d game
點樣唔會有呢個情況 有冇人答到 for software problem,
1. 3d games require to update to directx9 at least, :dev:
2. see if you have too many software preload at your startup,:nogood::nogood:
3. file error on your hardisk, need to re-install or update,:good:
for hardware problem,
1. hardisk too old (slow) and fragmented,:confused:
2. worst if you got bad sector:(
3. Ram not enough online game use less resouce at begining, after every update it will take more resource then you think.:nogood:
[[i] Last edited by DXneo on 2006-11-12 at 03:20 PM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]DXneo[/i] at 2006-11-12 03:18 PM:
for software problem,
1. 3d games... [/quote]
file error on your hardisk, need to re-install or update
唔係error架 隻game係玩到架 不過係好"窒"lo [quote]Originally posted by [i]SCM[/i] at 2006-11-12 10:41 PM:
file error on your hardisk, need to re-install or update
唔係error架 隻game係玩到架 不過係好"窒"lo [/quote]
有冇試過接 Ctrl + Alt + Delete 睇下cpu係唔係行到100% [quote]Originally posted by [i]gn00987333[/i] at 2006-11-13 03:51 AM:
有冇試過接 Ctrl + Alt + Delete 睇下cpu係唔係行到100% [/quote]
唔係咁點 maybe your video card is not good enough