我讀緊ive時裝系'w.f!m%k%V z$A]{我想做個時裝買手n&MR)`Xkr
high dip 要讀4年,我今年17歲5[#j/Fb*t5q
各位比下意見我讀完個high dip而家出面多數承唔承認high dip或者榮譽學士
同埋有無brother讀緊/做緊時裝,可以比d意見細佬 [size=9][color=Red]洗唔洗貼2次呀[/color][/size]*ue$S_)Jp;i Av
'H c.I b#g
[url]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=130913&fpage=1&highlight=[/url] [quote]Originally posted by [i]BeachBoy[/i] at 2006-11-20 11:17 PM:^2y_b F._
[url]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=130913&fpage=1&highlight=[/url] [/quote] bT/C^i,[Xw
係LOR,SORRY,請幫我DEL左果個丫,THX Can't say anything about fashion buyer career. But I think spending $ to the U.S. to learn english is not worth it. You won't improve your english much because it's too short of time but it would cost a lot of $.q-P(kUA*n5hQ:~]
[[i] Last edited by sk on 2006-11-21 at 04:24 PM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]sk[/i] at 2006-11-21 04:22 PM:b8b%V4B ] f,J&r[
Can't say anything about fashion bu... [/quote]Sa5d:RJ$Uu6Q
thx,但交換生每日都要對住外國人講英文,唔會進步得好快ma? [quote]Originally posted by [i]lky010185[/i] at 2006-11-22 07:56 PM:
thx,但交換生每日都要對住外國人講英文,唔會進步得好快ma? [/quote]
I disagree with what SK said that gaining 1 year of experience in the U.S. is not 'worth it'. It all depends on how you define 'worth' and how you plan to use your 1 year there. If you go to schools with lots of Chinese and all you speak is Chinese, then you're wasting your $. Find a situation where you're forced to speak English in your daily life. Try to make friends with non-Chinese. Learn other people's culture. Even volunteer (I don't think you can work with a student visa) at school or community center will gain you lots of experience you won't learn from books. FM`3kXJ9z
And having a foreign country study experience in your resume is definitely a plus when you go interview for jobs. [quote]Originally posted by [i]stockman[/i] at 2006-11-23 03:48 AM:L |7i\sC
I disagree with what SK said th... [/quote]`${jn l F
thx stockman ,多謝你地ge意見,,,我想過us ge決心都大左了,希望到時返黎可以提升到我ge英文,請問交換生過去除左讀英文仲要學乜,其他科對於1個會考英文只得E(sB) ge人會唔會聽得好辛苦? [quote]Originally posted by [i]lky010185[/i] at 2006-11-25 02:15 AM:k-MC{j\])iyk
thx stockman ,多謝你地ge意見,,... [/quote]
Since I'm not familiar with your Exchange Student program I can't give you any advice on the details. But from my personal experience, the grade you got from your HKCEE is not quite relevant to how hard/easy you can verbally communicate with people in English in the U.S.!X%y {.`rE7}V-g"Q
I graduated from a Chinese high school in HK before coming to the U.S. years ago and got a D in English in HKCEE. I thought I started learning ABC in kindergarten and was quite confident about my English ability....until I met reality here when I had to open my mouth to talk.$C%E#[-DZ$fFy8V{G