娛樂滿紛 26FUN's Archiver

Kev 發表於 2006-11-24 08:12 PM

大家關心既"搵工問題" [B +]

S8za&q"G@~#G 都係business既degree..
#Q!T rw:Q \n 有一次搭的士.. 同個driver chat..W(EP:z9o
佢都有個accounting degree..8a S2N3FU"GVY4j
咁我問佢做乜重drive taxi..
]4[ M j0Fm 佢話搵唔到工.. 因為冇experience.. 所以咪ja 的士搵d工作經驗..;c1Locp
又話degree d 野都係manager level.. 公司只係想請d worker level既人...w.y%z ]+W Q8O4z
所以.. 就算大學生.. 都難搵工..
-NB3c0S9kF},B 'p,OTm,dJY
大家點睇?2uBPQ-h/YV!pU'D ~
a+T K sLNn
[[i] Last edited by BeachBoy on 2006-11-25 at 01:33 AM [/i]]

極樂 發表於 2006-11-24 08:30 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Kev[/i] at 2006-11-24 08:12 PM:
Z7J%a I/^ Hb8bcO 我o係外國準備讀大學..
M;~C[?7sJ X#^s,|9y 都係business... [/quote]TP }#v?3g

m$Wz*R5Wept5P g"i
||&X,J-~U6hm 首先~~我會覺得個的士司機好有問題~~W;X(S;@&Sc,Y;h
乜野無工作經驗先? 個個岩岩畢業都無經驗架啦~~4\AW3jn}/p
佢要吸取工作經驗....但係唔係去楂的士囉~~COB3\)p cg'Ibh
站係老闆立場, 梗係以最低既人工, 請個最高質數既人返黎..... SJR~gqq6w
佢肯做~~都應該好多會計既工作等佢做 (當然要視乎返佢見工表現)
.B9QT.|.`*N\c5A"^y6f r BSw0y M s1{%dO
而你......都準備去外國讀書....J m6L'kwP{c
咁我只想講句: 你要比心機讀書....真係知道自已讀緊乜....`*M3K[/t8nA
唔好諗住pass左個考試, 畢到業就算....
W3Vo&IS2` 讀完之後, 問你識乜都答唔出........咁樣真係0徒錢同0徒時間 (過來人)
t1] H@5\%f Y F$W _ p`$s @&i2x(s"E~j/`"a
就算我當年一齊畢業既同學, 出到黎做野, 都唔係學以至用(包括我)....:q P3A0t5@iYx/i
果張畢業証書, 可以話係一塊搭腳石, 等你易d搵工唧~~B*Y@IF s~9uF
y r!b&o#?~bc
你讀好d書, 咁你就會有自信, 企出黎都唔同d架啦~~8\/x `Ar Zn
(好後悔當年吽下吽下咁就畢左業....讀過乜都唔知, 但係我唔係大學生~~我無咁叻:haha:)

launcher 發表於 2006-11-24 10:36 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]極樂[/i] at 2006-11-24 08:30 PM:Sbeh%^ w

W vc)nt6|Fzx [U'K-taQ }
首先~~我會覺得個的士司機好有... [/quote]
4oU x,fFx 好認同, 呢個係你嗰個taxi 司機的問題.d or(m]e

woowoodog 發表於 2006-11-24 10:36 PM

極樂前半段我甚認同,不過,後半段則不認為,因為現在老細下下話增值,講啫,其實想輸入大陸大學生,都不是,應該話cheap才是,為什麼,因為我同Kev 一樣是大學生(讀左一年),做緊倉庫員,看不到將來有什麼好前景,所以明白你感受,或許,只有是碩士才有選舉權

qqwqqwqqw1 發表於 2006-11-24 10:36 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]極樂[/i] at 2006-11-24 08:30 PM:"H3Ln]}8P4v$[(I

3]VdD b#nV"l u"_f r\
首先~~我會覺得個的士司機好有... [/quote]M}m1otkf;k^A

P%?8rbz1c 死啦~我衣家都係咁wor,上堂都唔知學左d咩,
@(wd n1UAL-U._ 考試就間唔中出下貓.......(p k Bd;j(qT

blueflow 發表於 2006-11-24 11:33 PM

e+v&] I2vz$^9{ed6C'A 有幾多個讀完大學的人真係想楂的士(除左d的士迷).ng1@s#xtkU(Q
佢畢業時市道唔好,第一份工做左唔到幾個月公司就摺左 |N!Voq*f
XS5V'`L G\R5E 讀大學個時又借左d錢,
ww1r*@+Hng 點都要找點工作來做,
P2p%@cQ*i&j-N8W:e^ 一來有錢還,
V1\ e_9wH 二來唔會養懶自己/phiMLoF
三來見工個時唔會好似我禁話俾人聽係屋企坐,俾人感覺你係好積極做人h G7qF i
E w+CLo:L+~e9Q g 終於揸左成年幾的士先找到相關工作 pQ!v;D^+y?'J
現在做了廿幾年現在人工一個月都平均十萬以上)B^ o;Uc-Q
z-X`0d$_!v 我讀緊hd做左幾年野Em-?VxD4R
~\%c&vA(F ~/X N 你學歷夠有餘但經驗不足.......G1C h-Mp"?"h(?
收舊時一半人工想學野都禁難 I.||B.Z&?#\

極樂 發表於 2006-11-25 12:12 AM

我就大專畢業既..... NGIH D{;d!N
岩岩畢業....有份臨時工....({7oF$fj$C qMbU6J e
大機構, 學以至用(都算既), 多野學, 同事好....人工仲有9k....J{^ [Y&H R
因為臨時工既關係, 做左三個月就無啦.....
ri pb;Ss
,tC|%r%G 跟住果個月之後就金融風暴...Tc-~0{0Mv
搵唔到工, 搵份part time過下日子 (3000蚊一個月啦)
q]b!YBUMn 做左半年, 又摺埋.....,C zYwW fqV is'ja

1N"J1Zsc\:` 跟住就搵到依家呢份長工....
2L!pyp1_"V&Mu k3r 因為當時仲係金融風暴既低潮....1o6nz|H&L
我開價$7000, 佢話我無經驗....壓到我得$6500....
Y wxe2hS 唯有照做啦~~好過無工開嘛....當吸取經驗都好丫....%S0O\/kr}l3B
開頭返工, 我覺得好無聊....1n z/R.l$zT9[4|X
G9v sG_V9e] 真係中五畢業都做到啦~~)I]8Se'J^
本來想唔做......!u5t,P%`*S `n
(WQ@^^(} U%t+u
但係....原來d師奶同事, 個個係背後笑我....6I Vj&R-R:Q\p
乜都唔識, 學野又慢, 英文都講唔掂(佢地仲掂過我)M {5e$@"T,Y'd6e C
3`/G-y3z-c s F l 因為我都算聽教聽話, 所以俾機會我....
C F*c9bKN8RB'G N *^WE-VyuP\
我做左大半年之後....我唔單止應付自如, }5@9x `jr2p1iO$Q
?7pHc+G3w'hr3r!B#l(A 雖然話就話佢地阿頭, 但係人工係最低果個....:mad: (有名無利)
8| zQ?H1P"G 4g&Q0UE|Q'U6S
挨左幾年....我今日既人工, 先等如果份臨時工既人工.......
$[6H9T Je9Z4t 我阿頭問我開唔開心, 我冷笑咁話開心......|B)IV.a
(大佬丫~~做左幾年先等如當年畢業既人工, 而且無端端走埋入稅網....點開心丫!!)
$o3kL0{ ?~ ZVu#B}Q/AEq
由上年開始一路想轉工, 我出年就真係會"dick"起心肝走架啦~~
nx ? i#i2u HK3R 騎牛搵馬....個個都話個市道好左....
6b#w'^%x7n)}:OT 希望大家都可以順利搵份好工啦!!,a-Cpp d6RO;[
]9Rg!Z c 9]C}{,k tt GSQ
pNv1[*s!E!E A :cry:

BeachBoy 發表於 2006-11-25 01:37 AM

[size=6][color=Navy]祝各位會員搵到份好的工作[/color][/size] :clap::clap::clap:

lky010185 發表於 2006-11-25 02:11 AM

/XOK/];l 而家份份工都話要經驗,咁無經驗又無工做,無工做又無經驗,要搵份穩定ge工都真係唔易""

Kev 發表於 2006-11-25 02:19 AM

其實我想帶出既係.. 經驗..
dcAcv 而家.. 唔到你唔信.. 周街都係大學生..
rf6b-b Nb[6c!z6n*f 但係.. 中5畢業出到黎搵工既人.. 比起冇經驗花得多時間去讀書既大學生更有工作機會..9j2k7J&VYY-h(s6r+W
自己算係所謂既名校讀到中6.. 屋企人想我以個快d既方法入大學所以上年過左黎澳洲讀個course..下年3月就上U..
s+^ T(M:f$h [!x}J 讀左咁多年書.. 講真我覺得聰明比起勤力有用好多..
*A RkK4J8_X 以前.. 勤力做野.. 加上少少既機會.. 就可以發達.. 例子好多..4RdZr)J{n0K
而家.. 人人都講學歷.. 講得好對.. "畢業證書" 就係搵工既第一份通行證..4X'NkJ6Zx9O
我一向都係咁諗.. 以為拎左個degree出到黎.. 怕咩搵唔到工..
Wt_ b |w 搵到之後.. 依自己既實力.. 好快可以更上一層樓.. @5?3f/vOF!j.Ep
但係.. 到左外國.. 接觸既人同事多左.. 發覺其實好多香港讀書既人都好井底蛙..
8K8q4jK1u 點解咁講..?
i)p#{T{qi0P:Z 我讀既中學.. 人地以為讀得好既就係讀得多.. 6年既中學生涯.. 我發現.. 學校既書本.. 要讀既.. 1,2日就會識晒.. 當然.. 10,9 A個d.. 好多都係書蟲.. 但係相比起其他都有幾條A.. 有social 識玩.. 識周圍hea 既人.. 我覺得學生=/=讀書.. oS$Iy(s5|RB @
有人成日嘈d人話"考試唔成功唔代表一切".. 人地話係安慰既廢話.. 當然我都講過"第一份通行證"係重要既.. 但其實.. 又係咪真係人人都要靠佢黎成功呢??&~+x:`j3?Ve0I
我覺得人.. 最緊要樣樣都識.. 一樣野.. 你識少少.. 加上而家internet乜都有.. forum.. 你at least 個個post都知佢講乜.. 唔知咪睇下囉. 自自然然.. 自己擁有既野.. 無形中多好多..
"iy6jG |TkI 外國.. 差唔多人人都做part time.. 就算留學生都會做.. 有錢冇錢也好..
3hJc@7w 根據research..
k5R,Bo'R1@'E 外國大學畢業生回港就業% 比起香港任何一所大學都要高.. ZU a.Wa9m4N*vz D%K
其中一大原因就係"工作經驗" 同埋我所講既"見識多"..
.O)k7A%d*I 我唔係話香港讀書做唔到呢樣野..
^7a"o lMG4a 只不過.. 人人都追求一張證書.. 忽略左身邊好多野..@\ zk4G
就算係玩玩玩.. 都係一種增值..
Ap4o4W(|8X#}.J 當然.. 人係需要讀書時讀書.. 遊戲時遊戲.. 呢句野冇錯架..
A*{'Lj'B ^n{ 路點行.. 係o係自己手..
R0cn,Q;o9n 唔好話甚麼屋企人.. 社會迫到自己冇路可走..
l7jj/L&|J0c(F 自己做好本份.. 有誰可以控制你??5q+a(aL u'WU(T
有例外既.. 都只係好少好少..
b2Wdb"B 我希望.. 你地各位.. 都可以出人頭地..
+t6T j+T2W"m @8r#t-\ ^ 命運無時無刻都係希望..
o5Zw I uKF}
J \c#Y&GP` [[i] Last edited by Kev on 2006-11-25 at 02:21 AM [/i]]

stockman 發表於 2006-11-25 04:26 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]launcher[/i] at 2006-11-24 10:36 PM:
&WqK Iz] T!a)G ^_Y9S
好認同, 呢個係你嗰個taxi 司機的問題.
ltG7Y2C$n 極樂兄的見解非常透徹. [/quote]
"R(tJ0r:n 4ue[\6{$i'H
I 100% disagree.  What's wrong with the taxi driver?  Having an accounting degree doesn't guarantee a successful career and lots of $.  It doesn't mean he's a CPA.  If he can't find any other jobs other than driving taxi and he needs $, then so be it.
c.Dy?,J])W $aedU^ WOK
The original poster said he's going to study abroad.  He didn't specify where to go and which particular business field he'll major in (Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing, etc.) so I can't give him any specific advice.  I studied and worked now in the U.S. so I can give you some personal opinion.  Nowadays having a business degree, which I have, won't give you too much advantage or $ making potential unless you follow the Finance path and eventually become a Certified Financial Planner.   Too many people study Accounting and it's driving the wage down.  Besides, small businesses can use accounting software to handle their booking keeping so their need to hire an in-house accountant is lower.  Big businesses can outsource a lot of their accounting work oversea, especially tax accounting work.
']z_%G {N)T
7t#GgS4sO(Yng V Of course these are the trends I see only in U.S. but I think in most parts they can also apply to Hong Kong.  Do HK small businesses use accounting software?  Can't big businesses outsource accounting work to firms in China?  What can you do to maintain a long-term money making power?3_9E!d*I!V)^

~*A v_n&F2h I think you should go to a field that must rely a lot on close people interaction.  Accounting, for example, can mostly be done by someone in Hong Kong vs. in India with not much difference other than the wages people earn in these 2 places.  A financial planner, on the other hand, required close interaction with the client because you are adding a lot of value via personal relationship.  Can you imagine giving your own financial planning to someone in India and rely on phone conversation to get the job done?  Not likely.
5Nc\hu$Rt SgeL;Og
Sales (not cold-calling type of sales) is another field you can build a sustainable career in if you're good at selling.  Most sales require establishing in-person relationship and can't be easily outsourced.g1P6D*R@ ["M

7wWA^poc8W In the U.S., about 28% of the population has a Bachelor's Degree so a U-grad nowadays doesn't really mean much.  The receptionist at my work place is a u-grad and a few other certificates.  Another girl working as customer service answering emails even has a MBA.  You may ask what the hell she's doing here with a MBA?  The problem is that her MBA is a generic one from a 2nd tier school so that doesn't guarantee her a good job.  Her old experience was all in customer service and having a MBA can't automatically give her a lot of $$ upside.ZdGc&E8p

;R!fU_/bW!B I agree with many posters here that experience is more important than the degree in many fields, if you don't get your degree from a top-tier school or your field is not a profession.  Business degree is not a profession, but Law, Medicine, and Pharmacy are.  Again, these are my opinions based on my experience in the U.S. but I have to believe they can also apply in HK.

samuriapoon 發表於 2006-11-25 05:03 AM

brothers, i am fresh graduate from local universityo/d^)wq{$@t
still seeking jobs. hope every brothers here can be more positive, although the process of seeking job is frustrating. I treat it an experience of my life, one of the biggest obstacles i have ever had.

supereason 發表於 2006-11-25 11:28 AM

今時今日, 經驗和人緣勝於學歷 (或者)

king_of_fifa 發表於 2006-11-25 01:39 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]samuriapoon[/i] at 2006-11-25 05:03 AM:
"k#L'|o[ brothers, i am fresh graduate from ... [/quote]
znC)L*GX:g 6F:Y%`YqW
好多工,寫就7 ,不過min 1 year exp...
@8E TD.{2hTp} fresh graduate 真係好難搵工

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