:good::good::good: 唔錯唔錯~~條女有啲似阿飯囉~我覺得 個女仔幾好 Thank for your share, Aivn
But how do you know this is her 第一次? This is very good wor Aivn~ Eventhrough I'm in the exam period now, but I still hv to come n c your post~ Excellent! [quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2006-11-25 12:39 PM:
This is very good wor Aivn~ Eventhrough I'm in the exam period now, but I still hv to come n c your post~ Excellent! [/quote]
relax好啦~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]kalos[/i] at 2006-11-25 12:39 PM:
This is very good wor Aivn~ Eventhrough I'm in the exam period now, but I still hv to come n c your post~ Excellent! [/quote]
你gei考試成績就..............:naughty::naughty::naughty: wa
thx 呵呵~~是今天第一次吧!:lol: 白白淨,算唔錯啦 hk or japan:kicking::kicking: 條女好靚啊!仲係日本妹,迷死我了 白雪雪,正~! 唔錯,幾好 白白淨
冇性病 she is good and although these views are not so hot still worth seeing! 條仔都幾樣炳
女身材幾好,又夠白 why all the geeks get the girl... ai... the man is so happy la.. can filter-038 this beautiful japanese girl...
the girl is very white ar.. good good