MY DOG --- 檬檬(比熊犬) 生活照
:crybye:[[i] Last edited by d228216 on 2006-12-23 at 11:44 PM [/i]] 好狗!!:good: 梯晒D毛:eek: 哎喲.......好得意呀佢...........! 大個左:clap: 平時D相;) ;);););););) so cute..... :P 多人覆先再POST....CU:P 好得意呀> <搞到我都好想養狗> <(只是想= =) 好得意下.. 好細隻
隻狗幾多歲呀@@? the dog is cute
the girl is pretty
:) 係咪好多狗都識望鏡頭影相ga
如果係既話 依家既狗仔真係又醒又cute 咩狗嚟架?幾可愛吖 歡迎出相, 216再+4 隻狗好可愛呀~~:kiss:
[[i] Last edited by Ned on 2006-12-22 at 03:36 AM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]OntevHui[/i] at 2006-12-21 06:32 PM:
多人覆先再POST....CU:P [/quote]
支持:good: 樓主隻狗好可愛wo~
宜家它幾多歲呢?:photo: [quote]Originally posted by [i]七夜[/i] at 2006-12-21 08:09 PM:
好得意下.. 好細隻
隻狗幾多歲呀@@? [/quote]
11個月大:kiss: [quote]Originally posted by [i]slwong3[/i] at 2006-12-21 11:03 PM:
the dog is cute
the girl is pretty
:) [/quote]
the girl is my sister:kiss: