[自拍]亞姐曾敏, 韓燕@工展會
26-12-2006韓燕 = 季軍
曾敏 = 最上鏡
[[i] Last edited by Kon Lai on 2006-12-30 at 01:56 PM [/i]] 韓燕似乎靚D~~~
[END] 影得非常好, 好專業水準 韓燕同選美時個相好似唔好左咁...........淡妝幾乎唔認得佢........ 個樣真係一睇就知國產~~ 韓燕我本來以為係winner嫁 曾敏真係算係近年亜姐最靚 好似唔係韓燕黎架,完全唔同樣播 好有國內feel 韓燕幾好........... 亞姐!分不到誰跟誰 -_-" 兩個都算靚......不過"亞姐"有幾多人會留意;) [quote]Originally posted by [i]boy1420[/i] at 2006-12-31 12:09 PM:
兩個都算靚......不過"亞姐"有幾多人會留意;) [/quote]
反而港姐仲多人 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** thanks! SHARE~~~影得非常好, 好專業水準 如果係韓燕 就真係變左好多.....
[url]http://www.peacehall.com/news/gb/sport_ent/2005/10/200510090040.shtml[/url] 曾敏 is so beautiful!
don't know why she lost in the Miss Asia competition :cry:
and the first-runner from Hong Kong is much uglier than her... :angry:
look forward to seeing more photos of 曾敏
thanks I can't distinguish who is 曾敏 and 韓燕. Can anyone tell me ? But the one with white fur is more beautiful and not so "leung" ! 請問曾敏最近仲有冇曝光?