你自已吾識睇下 pippen vs porter 既數據咩?我都費時再登資料出黎
我就領教左你所講既數據,就比番當時真實數據你睇,原來你話我吾知既野,好似angie 同cliff robinson當時實力都未知,就亂吹!真係吾該你! 我咪講話我講緊既係 91-92 年度囉....
Cliffy有 12.4 分 又正如你所講 Paxson 後備有 9 分叫勁~ ainge 都有9分喎~
我點亂吹都唔夠你話Portland 係一人球隊
Jordan 冇Pippen 連季後賽都少入啦
你為我先係冇睇數據而話我~ 咁繼續拗都冇意思啦
實不相瞞囉咁~ 其實係我冇睇數據既~
防守唔係睇數據既一回事~ 更加唔係你所講既高度
上季偷波王係 Baron Davis
封波王係 Ratliff
呢 d 係防守數據~ 咁點解最佳防守球員係 Artest?
睇數據? 原來你覺得防守係睇數據架? 多左咁多隻字..
你為我冇睇數據而話我 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 這我是贊成的
甘生你可以睇到我冇講過Porter 既防守比 Pippen 好
我只係唔覺得矮同埋數據可以顯得出 Porter 差過 Pippen Also I don't think Jordan was more 錫身 than Drexler. How can a player be 錫身 when he got defensive player of the year and NBA defensive first team? Did Drexler get any of that? I don't think so.
Another thing is Jordan 1 got black and red so players can wear black shoes long ago. I am not sure if you can compare Jordan's salary in Baseball league and in the NBA because it is totally different and also Jordan is not a key player for his baseball team and, to be honest, he played really bad. So who would give him big money for his performance?
For Nike, they already gave Jordan almost US$40 mllion a year for sponsorship that's why Jordan was always the top 3 richest sports player in the whole world. So there is no way for them to pay Jordan an extra $30 million for his salary just to help the bulls to get more players **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 番睇Jorden有無錫身,睇番佢未贏總冠軍為分水嶺去睇。
Jirden佢以前打法係kobe咁,都係Vince carter好d,有人阻住都飛埋去入樽既,不過佢咁打法就未贏過冠軍,之後有pippen佢就無咁博,dirty work當然由pippen做。而佢亦可以講用過腦打波多左,當然亦可以講無咁易受傷,所以佢運動生涯亦比其他人會長d!你睇番打法博命個幾個,Vince Carter,GrandHill等等,好快就殘!