[激辯] 英超 利物浦 主戰 阿仙奴
**** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 利物浦有主場,始終都係高阿仙奴少少:naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty: 7號唔係星期日咩 可惜 arsenal 前鋒冇人,得 henry 一個打係差 d。 我覺得艾利亞迪里好唔掂 艾利亞迪里打到無哂形 henry hatrick4-0 LIV 3:1 ARS 禾確特唔用得咩?? LIV 1:2 ARS 一人WIN一場把啦... 利記加油..炒佢地旦1.. arsenal 冇左尹佩斯及法比加斯,liverpool又有主場之利,所以睇好liverpool。不過係驚佢地有時唔識入波。 I think Liverpool play well recently so i think there will only one goal separate between them in FA Cup.I will go for Liverpool in FA Cup and i guess the score is 2-1.Then in League Cup,i think Arsenal will win by one goal.I think Arsenal youngters are more better than Liverpool especially Theo Walcot. 兩隊波今季水準都幾唔穏定,but如果謝拉特打番中場中間,咁勝算就大好多,估計 LIV 1:0 ARS 或打和 Support Liverpool! Arsenal for sure 打和機會大...兩隊都係一時勁,一時走曬樣
唔對e場波有太大期望 the result doesn't matter, they will be either 3rd or 4th on the league table anyway 利記讓平半wo呢場波...
仲唔係有鬼= =
我話利記贏 利記!
尹佩斯及法比加斯are so fit, and now需要停賽, arsemal became weak.