網路柏芝,忘記了叫咩名?? 靚,係靚妹就好 Zoie wor 但好耐o既事了佢而家都失左宗 SHE was a hit model since the comics show last year...
not only she became popular, but also BIG ball Maggie ar....
In my view, I like her more than Maggie...
:P 真係幾似柏芝wor **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 翻版柏芝幾好喎! :good: 的確似足七成柏芝出道時,hope to see more of her photos in future 十足十陽肛檸檬茶果陣:drool::drool: better than the true one, i think 我唔係咁鍾意佢明知自己似重要係咁扮 真係幾似柏芝 都唔知邊一度似張栢芝?? 睇落去都唔錯,多謝啲相