目前最好嘅 Firewall software??
小弟想裝個 Firewall...唔知各位仁兄有無好介紹?? Many Thanks! 我自己用Norton,唔錯 McAfee Security Center ZoneAlarm Comodo Firewall Pro :good:[url]http://www.personalfirewall.comodo.com/[/url] 我乜都無用
淨係有 hardware firewall
不過我以前有用過隻 Sygate 都幾好
好過 Norton 咁大食 for me^^sp2個個已經夠用la it depends what kind of user u are... advanced = F-Secure with a HIGH security and for noobs/beginners McAfee and Zonealarm +Windows SP2 Firewall with any of those because its just simply clicks and there aint any advanced settings u can put. best medium firewall = Zonealarm pro, it has an integraded anti spyware in it for keyloggers, trojans etc
And Zonealarm has won several awards for beeing best firewall...
choose 1 of those and suit yourself =) and... if u have a modem/router is should have an hardware build in firewall... read the manual for setting up those configuration before u mess with it ^_^