救命呀 !! 入黎幫幫手 唔該!!
我部電腦唔知做咩事呀上上網 會lag lag到停左系度不動
之後諗住系統還原可能有得救喇 點知一開個xp系統還原工具又卡住左. 得個白色畫面 等勁內都冇內容彈出黎 ~!
有冇人幫到我呀 救命呀 !! 會唔會係 hardware 問題呀 restart in save mode Start anti-virus in safe mode la. Cause in safe mode, most of the virus programme won't be active ga, so you can find them out n delete lor.
But in these days, it's quite easy to get infect ga, I just fixed my gf's computer few days ago... Be careful la... Remember to turn on the fire wall to keep your computer safe after you clean up your pc, good luck~ 用win98隻開機碟開機, 之後用anti-virus d recover disks scan部機睇下得唔得, 再唔得,都係要重裝windows啦... Kalos, anti virus software wont work in safe mode, as u said in safe mode most of the virus won't/can't be executed because they are executable file and so are programs, like antivirus software...ak "exe" # Step 1: Find out what kind of virus u got infected
# Step 2: Allocate the path where the virus is
# Step 3: Write it down (most of the virus are in the map C:/Windows)
-->The partion "C" depends where u had installed Windows... Anyway let's go to the next step =)<--
# Step 4: openup My Computer go to the path, where the virus is located at
# Step 5: Delete that SHIt Virus and be happy, if u cant delete because its in use delete his progress from task manager
# Step 6: Reboot your system, and just start it in normal mode.
# Step 7: Leave message in this thread, if it worked or not
PS: In english plz :P
[[i] Last edited by KC-Alen on 2007-2-17 at 07:04 PM [/i]] Ow, if u got a nowadays "new" virus infected, it is most likely in the System volume information folder and or the recycle bin, to see this map you should enable show system folders + show hidden folders.
and if u need to get in system volume information folder do this:
#Step 1: Open Folder Options in Control Panel.
#Step 2: Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
#Step 3: Click Appearance and Themes
#Step 4: Click Folder Options.
#Step 5: On the View tab, under Advanced settings
#Step 6: Clear Use simple file sharing [Recommended].
Final Steps:
#Step 1: Go in the map
#Step 2: Delete that shity virus =) 多謝你地幫手 不過我已經重裝windowns喇 ow for an online virus scan, since u have problem with opening antivirus software and you wanted to know where it is located at, and what the name of the virus is, this site is has a free online virus scan, ENJOY! =)
[url]http://housecall.trendmicro.com/[/url] ow... forget those sentance =)
your welcome