小弟要申請新嘅寬頻...主要是要獨立綫而不會斷綫. 最好多嘢送. budget around $200. 速度ok就得. Thanks for your help!!1) PCCW (Netvigator)?
2) 香港寬頻?
3) 有綫寬頻?
4) Others....? 你問正我想問既野!!謝謝。我仲有一問:我家裡有desktop有notebook,是否申請一個就兩部腦都用到?會唔會要再買啲乜野先做到? [quote]Originally posted by [i]specificness[/i] at 2007-2-26 03:08 PM:
你問正我想問既野!!謝謝。我仲有一問:我家裡有desktop有notebook,是否申請一個就兩部腦都用到?會唔會要再買啲乜野先做到? [/quote]
是。只要自己買個router就可以。我依家都係gum (using Linksys wireless router)。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]specificness[/i] at 2007-2-26 03:08 PM:
你問正我想問既野!!謝謝。我仲有一問:我家裡有desktop有notebook,是否申請一個就兩部腦都用到?會唔會要再買啲乜野先做到? [/quote]
買多張lan卡+條crossover線都得 1 is the best ,i think. [quote]Originally posted by [i]chansuper123[/i] at 2007-2-27 12:59 PM:
1 is the best ,i think. [/quote]
i am using (1) now...but feels the speed is quite slow a lot of times (3M...but i heard overseas connection is like 1M?). It's only good that it doesnt really get cut off.
Anyone has other recommendations??? 其實真係話唔到比你聽邊間會較好,因為其實其中一個最重要既因素係depend on你住邊一區。所以你可以問吓係你附近住既朋友,最好就係同一座大廈住既朋友。
另外,比個心理準備你,如果你用router,兩部機一齊上網會一定會減漫上網既速度,尤其係用緊bt果時就最嚴重。 I am considering changing package too, any suggestion? try PCCW, I start to use from 2002 up to date, it is stable & have quick backup service