PCM, e-zone, Hi-Tech Weekly 你們覺得邊本最好!?
PCM, e-zone, Hi-Tech Weekly 你們覺得邊本最好!?歡迎投票, 評論近期電腦雜誌質素. I usually bought China computer magazines since they filter-004 more on technology like the working principle of memory card. you buy in china or online ?? PCM抄網上教學, 又唔敢認:gun: [quote]Originally posted by [i]butluck[/i] at 2007-3-13 09:40 PM:
you buy in china or online ?? [/quote]
黃金地庫有間鋪專大陸書,有唔少都係講電腦 they are technical ones or magazines ar ? ezone d料最ok 買開PCM 其他好少睇 I really like e-zone...clean easy to read...but the problem is many advertising...as PCM..haha 我覺得好似抵睇d, 一本可以睇好耐.... Ezone la, PCM too many ads la PCM啦