乜野 世界 都一樣架啦。。。
一雞死 就 一雞鳴
睇 摩連奴 帶車仔 。。謀略與風範 又 真系 幾有吸引力既。:D
:clap::clap::clap: 唔會!多佢一個唔多,少佢一個亦唔少,波照踢~~ [quote]Originally posted by [i]Jk[/i] at 2007-3-21 05:12 AM:
唔會!多佢一個唔多,少佢一個亦唔少,波照踢~~ [/quote]
不過又出色又有娛樂性既領隊 似乎唔係咁多
少佢一個都差幾遠架 I still going to watch 英超 anyway 英超係佢黎前已經好睇...so唔會! 變得愈來愈激,愈來愈好睇tim... 今季呢一刻如果唔係車仔差六分仲有機會爭標的話,今季其實已經悶到爆....... 如果英超真係冇左佢的話
費sir同埋雲加 就要開香檳賀下佢啦
事關冇左咁大一個勁敵喔 冇左佢, 就冇左個人同雲加,費sir鬥串....點好睇咖 I am not a Chelsea fan, but I think he is a very competent manager, mentally tough and have his own character. He is good at playing mind games too. I think EPL have him will be more entertaining for a certain extrent. [quote]Originally posted by [i]iknow[/i] at 2007-3-17 11:13 PM:
走左, 係... [/quote]
佢雖然串, 但串得起, 冇左佢, 會少左好多娛樂
哦,沒有誰,呢個地球應該還會轉吧?英超也會繼續吧? I won't think it'll become boring, but he definitely adds entertainment into the league with his mind game and his mentality he instills in the team 覺得摩連奴係有佢獨特之處既不過車仔唔要佢又未至於話會令到英超唔好睇
但車仔變成點就無人知啦 肯定不會,根本沒有分別 **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 ****