[求助]如果盒software貼住"not for resale",可否拿去賣?
我參加了某項比賽,獎品是一盒大約$8XX的軟件,那是標準版來的,不是甚麼教育版,SE版,試用版之類,我沒有太大用途,所以想賣掉但盒上貼著"Not for resale",我覺得是Ulead防止搞比賽的公司把軟件拿去賣來賺錢而貼上去的,但我現在用我的努力拿到那盒軟件,我想問這"Not for resale"對我有效嗎?我可以拿去賣拿嗎? 就算係你用錢買番黎既software...你只係有使用權...
你not for sell去賣姐係賣翩版一樣...入面都係同一個software...但係人地話左not for sell既...就應該唔得...一係你就賣俾d fd....你拎出去賣就...小心d喇... [color=Red]"Not for resale" means that once you get it, you're not allow to re-sell it again as it's a gift or it's a promotion product.[/color] :)
But then if you really wanna sell it, I don't think it's a problem, it's only depends on the target you wanna selll. In Australia, the Australian store/salon, they always re-sell the "Not for resale product" and never been accuse before. Also on the ebay, there are a lot of people doing the same thing and their account are not banned/won't be ban by ebay. :mad:
What I wanna say is, if you wanna sell it, just sell it, if it's illegal, the people in ebay are already been banned and those Australian're already in charge now. :D
[color=Red]"Not for resale" is just for the stores in case they re-sell it again for profit as that's a gift/promotion product from the producer/manufacturer n it's free of charge to those store.[/color] :dev:
Don't worry too much la~ Wish that you can sell it for a good price, Good Luck~ :win: :good:
[[i] Last edited by kalos on 2007-4-6 at 09:40 AM [/i]] 應該唔可以, 你可以用, 但冇權賣 因為我打算放上yahoo賣,但如果唔可以賣的話放上yahoo就好似太揚了