我想買電話啊 大家入來幫下我好嗎 Thz ...
我想買電話啊 But唔知買邊部好啊大家有咩好介紹啊 即將推出既都得噶 ... Thanks
我想要 : 最少200萬像素 320萬像素(最好啦) 攝影都要係一樣像素
價錢最好係 $2000~$3500
最好係呢D牌子: Nokia & Sony Ericsson & SHARP [quote]Originally posted by [i]king-wai[/i] at 2007-4-9 11:07 PM:
我想買電話啊 But唔知買邊部好啊
... [/quote]
nokia-n73 sonyericsson k800i..^^ both of then a good choose^^ Nokia n73 好啊,不過價錢略高些少...剩機價差唔多貼近 $4000~ k800..聽人講用左防震拍..
點震都拍得好靚-.- n73吧+~ n73不錯
功能上既選擇 Sonyericsson K810 n K880 is a not bad idea for you, my fds said that N73 is a bit complicate to use but the photos are good. Here are 2 links for you to check out more details~ Hope that it can help you~ (They're in Chinese to help you easier to understand~)
[url]http://www.nokia.com.hk/nokia/0[/url],,95435,00.html?status=new BUT K800i 平 N73 差不多成千啊 ....