著白色 All Star藍邊鞋襯T-shirt加牛仔褲好唔好睇???
男仔著白色 All Star藍邊鞋襯T-shirt加牛仔褲好唔好睇??? 好普通既著法"冇咩好唔好睇 I have the same shoes too, always wear with a black/dark grey strivepipe jeans, it comes not bad. I've tried with blue jeans, it's also good looking but the blue jeans can't be too light. If it's raw denim blue, it's much better lor~ 咁著.牛仔褲 耀眼 D 會型D. 如果著o個個人型都幾好睇 有信心,著乜都好睇呢~ 非常平凡的著法 一個應該唔會出差錯ge著法...(m&IQ0G O%BL1B"?&SR
係件Tee唔同樣咁解... 好普通U IS/_ib
外國都有d亞洲人係咁 最普通\既著法包唔會失禮4|P ] U6Q(x+` Y
出到旺角10個有7-8個都係咁著架啦 都好架我都幾鍾意白色既鞋