娛樂滿紛 26FUN's Archiver

terencey 發表於 2008-1-6 06:48 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]Edgar_Davids[/i] at 2008-1-6 03:20 PM:


... [/quote]

咦 ...... 係喎, 哈哈哈哈, 唔該晒 ........ :D:D:D:redface::redface::good::good:

terencey 發表於 2008-1-6 06:51 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]arthur8088[/i] at 2008-1-6 03:06 PM:
如果安歷卡離隊, 保頓會簽前利物浦前... [/quote]

遲下如果真係連迪奧夫都走埋既話, 就更加弊 ....... :nogood::nogood::nogood:
雖然有傳聞話保頓想要沙維奧拿, 但係 ...... 有可能嗎??

terencey 發表於 2008-1-6 06:59 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]arthur8088[/i] at 2008-1-6 03:02 PM:

That would be sad to see Javier... [/quote]

果兩個美國佬可能都受次按問題影響掛, 佢地又唔識足球, 加上個所謂行政總裁佩利呢 "有事就潛水, 無事就出黎講無謂野" 既, 點同費格遜咁, 有咩事都有個同樣係行政總裁既基爾頂住或者隔一隔呢 ...... 如果咁樣搞到 D 買賣球員計劃停晒係度, 甚至失去馬斯查蘭奴既話, 咁就真係灰囉 ...... :help::giveup:

haman 發表於 2008-1-6 08:03 PM

盧頓深受財政問題困擾, 領隊布歷維爾話, 英足總, 聯賽賽會同球壇同業 "都唔肯幫佢地一把"
Luton boss Kevin Blackwell says the football family, FA and Football League "haven't helped the club one bit" in their current financial struggle (Express).

terencey 發表於 2008-1-7 11:04 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]haman[/i] at 2008-1-6 08:03 PM:
盧頓深受財政問題困擾, 領隊布歷維爾... [/quote]

係幾惨吓嘅, 盧頓領隊同球員嘅 11 月薪水都未出, 而 12 月嘅人工亦只係收得一半. 如果到當地時間嘅今日下午 5 時正, 都冇人收購嘅話, 呢間已擁有超過 120 年歷史嘅球會就會被接管. 到時就會好似之前嘅列斯聯咁, 球員四散 (個賣出價隨時係跳樓價果隻), 但又唔可以加入新球員, 除非有財團入主及注資, 否則前景堪虞. 琴晚佢地憑無比鬥志, 於主場迫和表現一塌糊塗嘅利物浦, 獲得重賽機會, 當然從中會有一筆收益, 但可能只係杯水車薪而已 ...... :help::help::help:

盧頓歷史 --

盧頓瀕臨被接管 -- [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/l/luton_town/7155321.stm[/url]

[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2008-1-7 at 11:17 AM [/i]]

自由神 發表於 2008-1-7 11:52 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2008-1-6 06:51 PM:

遲下如果真係連迪奧夫都走埋既話, 就更加弊 ....... :nogood::nogood::nogood:
雖然有傳聞話保頓想要沙維奧拿, 但係 ...... 有可能嗎?? [/quote]


自由神 發表於 2008-1-7 11:55 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2008-1-7 11:04 AM:

係幾惨吓嘅, 盧頓領隊同球員嘅 11... [/quote]


terencey 發表於 2008-1-7 12:05 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]自由神[/i] at 2008-1-7 11:52 AM:

仲高... [/quote]

所以我覺得保頓都係無乜可能揾到兔仔幫手, 就算借, 人地都未必肯過黎幫手護級. 何況宜家仲有祖雲達斯呢 D 大球會對佢起痰添 ......

另外, 安歷卡個價居然只係 10M, 但肯定嘅係, 宜家係 1 月, 已經係季中, 加上以保頓現時嘅處境同領隊麥遜嘅知名度, 根本好難揾得番呢類級數或接近呢 D class 嘅代替品, 所以我仍唔敢抹殺保頓有機會降班嘅可能性 ......

富咸都仲有艾法耶茲做班主, 相信保頓嘅財力如此有限, 當有所不及了 ......

[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2008-1-7 at 12:13 PM [/i]]

自由神 發表於 2008-1-7 12:28 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2008-1-7 12:05 PM:

所以我覺得保頓都係無乜可能揾到... [/quote]

terencey 發表於 2008-1-7 12:36 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]自由神[/i] at 2008-1-7 11:55 AM:

盧頓層經提出... [/quote]

我覺得, 有時呢 D 野都幾兩睇吓, 如果基於純粹扶持弱小嘅角度黎講, 捐小小錢俾人救急都好呀 ...... :)

不過講真, 好似盧頓呢 D 例子其實只係冰山一角, 事實上宜家英格蘭有唔少低組別球會嘅財政都去到令人擔心嘅地步, 而之前嘅列斯聯, 波士頓聯 (Boston United), 史卡堡 (Scarborough, 倒閉後以 Scarborough Athletic 嘅名義於地區聯賽重新開始) ......  都會經歷破產, 被勒令扣分, 降班, 甚至倒閉嘅厄運, 呢 D 情況恐怕日後會越來越多, 單係盧頓已經係第 2 定第 3 次破產了. :giveup:

宜家英超又不斷膨脹, 導致同其他組別之間嘅鴻溝越來越大, 其實呢 D 唔同級別聯賽賽會都真係要諗吓, 如何盡量減少呢 D "社會現象" 對低組別球會帶來嘅衝擊. 否則, 吓吓都告急, 希望大球會捐錢或者等人收購, 真係唔係辦法 ...... :help:

[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2008-1-7 at 12:59 PM [/i]]

terencey 發表於 2008-1-7 12:50 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]自由神[/i] at 2008-1-7 12:28 PM:

鬼叫... [/quote]

如果安歷卡同迪奧夫真係於 1 月離隊, 咁保頓都幾危吓. 特別係安歷卡, 無咗佢嘅話, 到時最有入球能力嘅恐怕唔係迪奧夫, 唔係奇雲戴維斯, 而係中場球員路蘭了 ......

至於新特蘭、韋根、伯明翰、富咸、米堡, 佢地都叫有錢洗, 財力比打比郡同保頓好, 韋根同伯明翰最近個勢都唔差, 富咸有鶴臣帶住都應該 ok 掛, 但新特蘭同米堡個近況就真係差 D ......

[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2008-1-7 at 12:56 PM [/i]]

自由神 發表於 2008-1-7 12:53 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2008-1-7 12:36 PM:

我覺得, 有時呢 D 野都幾兩睇吓, ... [/quote]

terencey 發表於 2008-1-7 01:07 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]自由神[/i] at 2008-1-7 12:53 PM:

盧頓卻乞求相等於佢既2周人工:( [/quote]

一個頂級球星嘅轉會費已經唔知等於呢 D 小球會嘅幾多個月嘅經費了 ......
不過, 呢個已經係一個 "社會現象" 黎. 地區球會係一個國家足球發展嘅根本, 所以有關當局真係要好好諗吓, 盡量減低對呢 D 小球會嘅衝擊 ......

terencey 發表於 2008-1-7 05:02 PM


杜奧巴透露, 佢今夏想離開車仔
Chelsea striker Didier Drogba has revealed his desire to quit the club in the summer. (The Times)

熱刺又再想要格流右閘赫頓, 格流好想收到 £8m 放人
Tottenham are to revive their move for Rangers full-back Alan Hutton, with the Scottish club keen for the £8m transfer to go ahead. (The Times)

熱刺亦對前利物浦前鋒施斯感興趣, 但要同韋斯咸, 曼城, 布力般同保頓爭 (乜佢都咁多人爭 :confused::confused::confused:)
Spurs are also interested in former Liverpool striker Djibril Cisse. But they face competition for the Marseille forward from Premier League rivals West Ham, Manchester City, Blackburn and Bolton. (The Times)

Manchester City manager Sven-Goran Eriksson is interested in Bayern Munich forward Lukas Podoloski. (The Times)

Chelsea and Tottenham are tracking Barcelona and Italy full-back Gianluca Zambrotta. (The Times)

熱刺可能羅致米堡翼鋒阿當莊遜, 佢地於兩年前試過出 £1m 洽購
Spurs may also move for Middlesbrough winger Adam Johnson, who they bid £1m for two years ago. (The Times)

諾域治想簽索菲亞中央陸軍嘅保加利亞後衛伊利夫, £700,000
Norwich want to sign Bulgaria defender Valentin Iliev and have offered his club, CSKA Sofia £700,000. (The Times)

貝碧托夫話, 佢嘅價格未至於熱刺標價嘅 £31m , 佢又話 D 傳言實在太多
Tottenham striker Dimitar Berbatov says he is not worth his club's £31m valuation and claims the speculation is getting to him. (The Times)

同時, 熱刺右閘占邦達被要求串演中堅時一笑置之, 可能令佢於球隊之前途成疑
Meanwhile, Spurs right-back Pascal Chimbonda's future at the club is in doubt after he laughed when they asked him to play centre-back. (Daily Mail)

熱刺領隊桑迪拉莫斯想要車仔中堅賓希姆, £8m  :D:D:D:D:D
But Tottenham manager Juande Ramos is lining up an £8m move for Chelsea centre-back Tal Ben Haim. (The Sun)

同時, 傳熱刺領隊桑迪拉莫斯可能將失去貝碧托夫, 因為曼城對呢位前鋒 "咬住唔放"
Meanwhile, Ramos could soon be losing star striker Dimitar Berbatov, who is the subject of a money-no-object approach from Manchester City. (The Sun)

Derby want to sign Aston Villa keeper Thomas Sorensen. (Mirror)

樸茅中場馬菲泰萊於今周決定去新特蘭定係保頓, £3.5m  
Portsmouth midfielder Matt Taylor will decide this week whether to move to Sunderland or Bolton, who have both had a £3.5m bid accepted. (Daily Mail)

Bolton boss Gary Megson is lining up Real Madrid's Javier Saviola as a replacement for Nicolas Anelka, who looks set to leave. (various)

車仔最有機會簽安歷卡, 佢地認為呢位法國前鋒值 £11m , 但保頓要求 £18m
Chelsea are favourites to sign Anelka but they value the Frenchman at £11m while Bolton want £18m. (Express)

Reading midfielder Stephen Hunt is open to a move to Sunderland. (Mirror)

備受下台壓力嘅利物浦領隊賓尼迪斯繼續為球隊未來舖路, 佢睇中波圖中堅般奴艾維斯
Liverpool boss Rafael Bentiez continues to plan for the future, despite speculation he could be sacked. He has his eye on Porto defender Bruno Alves. (Mirror)

曼城準備用比安基加錢嘅方法羅致羅馬翼鋒文仙尼, £16m
Manchester City are ready to offer Rolando Bianchi in a part-exchange deal for Roma's £16m-rated striker Amantino Mancini. (Mirror)

剛打上一隊嘅布力般後衛比桑尼將離隊, 轉投德乙科隆
Blackburn defender Bruno Pezzoni is set to quit the club, just after breaking into the first-team, to join German side Cologne. (Mirror)

雷丁將出 £700,000 買捷克國腳中場馬迪祖夫斯基
Reading will spend £700,000 on Czech Republic international midfielder Marek Matejovsky. (Mirror)

Birmingham manager Alex McLeish wants to sign Tottenham defender Anthony Gardner and Manchester City striker Georgios Samaras. (Mirror)

Leicester boss Ian Holloway has agreed to sign Hungarian midfielder Gabor Bori for the rest of the season. (Mirror)

Portsmouth boss Harry Redknapp is to assess South Korea striker Cho Jae-Jin during a week's trial. (Mirror)

Plymouth manager Paul Sturrock is set to go back to his old club Sheffield Wednesday to sign midfielder Glenn Whelan. (Mirror)

於諾域治不受重用嘅中場伊恩梅利拒絕外借白禮頓, 加盟喜伯年
Norwich's out-of-favour midfielder Ian Murray will reject a move to Brighton to join Hibernian. (Mirror)

般尼想要西布朗嘅前英格蘭 U21 光頭中場查普
West Brom's former England Under-21 midfielder Richard Chaplow is wanted by Burnley. (Mirror)

Plymouth boss Paul Sturrock has tabled a bid for Aberdeen Michael Hart and Chris Clark. (Record)

St Mirren have upped their offer for Inverness midfielder John Rankin. (Express)

些路迪可能用前鋒利奧丹作為交易嘅一部份, 以便羅致般尼前鋒拉費迪
Celtic may offer Derek Riordan to Burnley in a bid to sweeten a deal for Kyle Lafferty. (Express)

Dundee United have rejected an offer from Blackpool for striker Noel Hunt. (Daily Mail)


利物浦行政總裁佩利將於美國與班主會面, 商討領隊賓尼迪斯嘅前途問題
Liverpool chief executive Rick Parry is set to meet with the club's owners in the USA and filter-004 manager Rafael Benitez's future. (various)

有一冰島視修咸頓為收購目標, £50m  
Southampton are the £50m targets of an Icelandic consortium. (Mirror)

艾歷臣敦促卡比路俾碧咸於對瑞士嘅友賽中取得第 100 頂喼帽
Sven-Goran Eriksson has urged new England boss Fabio Capello to hand David Beckham his 100th cap against Switzerland. (various)

車仔左閘艾殊利高爾對於周六足總盃對昆士柏流浪嘅最後 30 分鐘, 被迫將隊長交俾後備入替嘅杜奧巴一事感到憤怒
Chelsea defender Ashley Cole is angry that he was forced to hand over the captian's armband to substitute Didier Drogba when the striker came on for the final 30 minutes of Saturday's FA match against QPR. (various)


英足總透露, 卡比路首場領軍嘅賽事 -- 英格蘭於温布萊球場友賽瑞士, 已售出 70,000 張門票
The Football Association has revealed that 70,000 tickets have already been sold for England's friendly against Switzerland at Wembley next month, which is Fabio Capello's first match in charge. (various)

[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2008-1-7 at 05:15 PM [/i]]

自由神 發表於 2008-1-7 05:12 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2008-1-7 05:02 PM:
熱刺領隊桑迪拉莫斯想要車仔中堅賓希姆, £8m  [/quote]

terencey 發表於 2008-1-7 05:24 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]自由神[/i] at 2008-1-7 05:12 PM:

熱刺搵中堅應該去德甲搵啦,不把人好過呢個啦:haha: [/quote]

呢單真係爆笑, 賓希姆有人要 (包括大 SAM) 都算嘞, 仲要個價係 8M!!??? 哈哈 ...... :D:D:D
德甲都有唔錯嘅中堅, 好似梅迪薩卡呀咁. 拉莫斯之前晌西甲咁耐, 不如去西甲揾件都可以好過佢啦 ...... :)

[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2008-1-7 at 05:26 PM [/i]]

haman 發表於 2008-1-7 09:09 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2008-1-7 11:04 AM:

係幾惨吓嘅, 盧頓領隊同球員嘅 11... [/quote]

無錯,一定要搵到買家收購 先可以解困 :(
希望以噚日對利記既表現 吸引到買家喇 :cry:

terencey 發表於 2008-1-8 12:58 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]haman[/i] at 2008-1-7 09:09 PM:

無錯,一定要搵到買家收購 先可以解困 :(
希望以噚日對利記既表現 吸引到買家喇 :cry: [/quote]

連佢地嘅領隊都只能係咁樣望, 但現時仍未有買家出現, 預料最快於當地時間嘅星期二先至有宣佈, 且看最後有冇人打救了. 不過肯定嘅係, 作客對利物浦嘅足總盃重賽會為佢地帶來 £250,000 嘅收入 ...... :help:

BBC -- [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/l/luton_town/7174227.stm[/url]

Luton's future remains in doubt

Luton's future remains in doubt after the deadline for prospective buyers expired on Monday with no news on whether a new owner had been found.

An announcement is not expected to be made until Tuesday at the earliest.

The cash-strapped League One club were put into administration on 22 November, earning them a 10-point deduction.

Manager Kevin Blackwell had hoped the club would be a more attractive prospect after they earned an FA Cup third-round replay against Liverpool.

The Hatters impressed in their 1-1 draw with the Reds at Kenilworth Road with a lucrative replay to come on Tuesday, 15 January.

Blackwell told BBC Radio Five Live: "It was a terrific team performance and it was thoroughly well deserved.

"What we have done is hopefully given a buyer out there a chink of light and made them think that we are worth a gamble on.

"If we've done that then the lads have done all they can to save the football club."

The replay at Anfield will bring in £250,000 as the club fights for its future.

The League One outfit, currently in administration and struggling to pay the wages of their staff, will be forced to sell off their best players should a buyer not be found.

"But you have to live in hope and that hope was given by a fantastic performance by the players," said Blackwell.

"I don't want to lose a side I am starting to build here. That is the frustration.

"Surely anybody looking at that must think Luton's got something going and want to be part of it.

"All we can do is the football but if we can make it as attractive a proposition as we can, it must help a buyer come in and please God, we've done that."

Blackwell said that the worst part of the situation is that the club went into administration without any warning.

"Nobody was prepared for administration, which means no wages and that has caused a few problems because there are a lot of lads here at Luton who don't earn the money that can see off a rainy day for longer than a week or two."

[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2008-1-8 at 01:01 PM [/i]]

haman 發表於 2008-1-8 08:51 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2008-1-8 12:58 PM:

連佢地嘅領隊都只能係咁樣望, 但... [/quote]

:cry: 好灰啊 盧頓頂住啊 :cry:

terencey 發表於 2008-1-8 10:59 PM


利物浦將用 £7m 買辛尼特既斯洛伐克國腳中堅史基杜 , 如果成事既話, 就會係紅軍史上最貴既後衛
(傳利物浦將簽下史基杜, £6m. BBC -- [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/l/liverpool/7176502.stm)[/url]
Liverpool boss Rafael Benitez is set to spend £7m on Slovakia international defender Martin Skrtel. (Telegraph)

Aston Villa want to sign Arsenal defender Justin Hoyte and Reading striker Kevin Doyle. (Telegraph)

Birmingham are continuing to track Manchester City striker Georgios Samaras. (Telegraph)

巴塞想要保頓門將積斯基拿倫, 但佢本人就想留晌保頓至今年夏天
Bolton keeper Jussi Jaaskelainen is wanted by Barcelona, but the Finn intends to remain at the Reebok stadium until the summer. (Telegraph)

熱刺領隊桑迪拉莫斯將以車仔後衛賓希姆為上任以來首名羅致既球員, £8m  
Tottenham manager Juande Ramos will pay £8m to make Chelsea defender Tal Ben Haim his first signing. (Telegraph)

熱刺亦想要於祖雲達斯發展未如理想既中場泰亞高, £9m  
Spurs are also weighing up a £9m bid for former Chelsea midfielder Tiago, who has struggled to make an impact since joining Juventus. (Telegraph)

同時, 現年 25 歲既前鋒迪科爾透露, 領隊桑迪拉莫斯告知佢如果想離隊既話, 可以走人, 但係佢揚言要留隊力爭正選
Meanwhile, striker Jermain Defoe has revealed he has been told by Ramos he can leave White Hart Lane if he wants to - but the 25-year-old has vowed to fight to stay at the club. (The Sun)

不過, 維拉想要呢位熱刺前鋒
However, Aston Villa have been alerted to Defoe's availability and manager Martin O'Neill is keen to make an offer for the England forward. (Guardian)

如果想買到安歷卡, 車仔需要將洽購價格由 £10m 提高至 £15m
Chelsea need to increase their bid for Bolton's Nicolas Anelka from £10m to £15m if they are to secure the Frenchman's services. (The Sun)

Ipswich have dismissed speculation that midfielder Danny Haynes is set to join either West Ham or Everton. (Telegraph)

Fulham are interested in signing Falkirk's Portuguese striker Pedro Moutinho. (Telegraph)

17 歲既加納後衛奧柏利表示渴望到英超踢波之後, 利物浦可能會羅致佢
Liverpool may move for 17-year-old Ghanaian defender Daniel Opare, after he expressed a desire to play in the Premier League. (Telegraph)

曼城想簽一名前鋒, 目標人物包括利物浦既高治, 里昂既費特, 拜仁慕尼黑既普度斯基, 羅馬既文仙尼同埋莫斯科中央陸軍既路夫
Manchester City are set to sign a forward, with Peter Crouch, Fred, Lukas Podolski, Amanto Mancini and Vagner Love all on their list. (Telegraph)

雷丁, 保頓, 新特蘭同格流都想要樸茅既馬菲泰萊
Portsmouth defender Matt Taylor is wanted by Reading, Bolton, Sunderland and Rangers. (Telegraph)

West Ham are interested in Portsmouth striker David Nugent. (Telegraph)

打比郡想要今季射入 15 球既列斯聯首席射手碧福特, 該隊主席卑斯標價 £3m
Leeds chairman Ken Bates has slapped a £3m price tag on 15-goal top scorer Jermain Beckford, who is attracting interest from Derby. (The Sun)

富咸將借祖雲達斯後衛保桑 :D:D:D:D:D
Fulham are set to sign Jean-Alain Boumsong on loan from Juventus. (The Sun)

伯明翰, 韋根同雷丁想要高雲地利既馬爾他國腳前鋒米蘇特, £3m
Coventry's £3m-rated striker Michael Mifsud is wanted by Birmingham, Wigan and Reading. (The Sun)

Birmingham and Wigan are battling it out to capture Swedish defender Erik Edman, who plays for Rennes. (The Sun)

西乙皇家蘇斯達想借利物浦既 18 歲阿根廷左閘恩蘇亞 6 個月
Liverpool's 18-year-old left-back Emiliano Insua is wanted by Spanish club Real Sociedad on a six-month loan deal. (The Sun)

Everton manager David Moyes is close to signing Sheffield Wednesday defender Frank Simek. (The Sun)

新特蘭領隊堅尼有信心簽到雷丁中場史提芬亨特, 雖然佢出 £3m 被雷丁拒絕
Sunderland boss Roy Keane is confident he will sign Reading midfielder Stephen Hunt, despite having an improved £3m offer rejected. (The Sun)

打比郡領隊祖維爾開始同布力般中場沙華治傾個人條件, £2m  
Derby manager Paul Jewell has begun negotiations with Blackburn midfielder Robbie Savage over a £2m deal to bring him to the club. (The Sun)

Juventus coach Claudio Ranieri is keen on signing unsettled Liverpool midfielder Momo Sissoko. (Guardian)

Rangers still want full-back Alan Hutton to join Tottenham. (The Times)

熱刺已經將洽購價格提高, 但係赫頓相信會拒絕加盟
Spurs have tabled an increased offer for Hutton but the Scotland star is likely to knock it back. (various)

Celtic have reached an agreement with JEF United to sign Japanese midfielder Koki Mizuno. (Daily Record)

如果董事局唔提供買球員既資金, 鴨巴甸領隊占美卡達活要脅會辭職
Aberdeen manager Jimmy Calderwood is threatening to resign unless the board back him with a transfer fund. (various)

伯明翰出 £1m 洽購左閘大衛梅菲被喜伯年拒絕
Hibernian have rejected Birmingham's £1m offer for left-back David Murphy (Daily Record & Mail)

曼城將簽下中場球員尼沙治, 令佢成為第一位登陸英超既伊拉克球員
Manchester City are set to sign midfielder Nashat Akram and make him the first Iraqi player to appear in the Premier league. (The Times)

伯明翰搵瑞典超聯 AIK 蘇納既利比里亞中場杜利莊遜 (個名好似粗口咁既 ...... :dev::D), 亦都 目及 實史特加既瑞士左閘麥連
Birmingham have taken AIK midfielder Dulee Johnson on trial and are also monitoring VfB Stuttgart left-back Ludovik Magnin. (The Times)

Portsmouth and Reading are interested in signing Lille forward Nicolas Fauverge. (The Times)

保頓想要赫斯前鋒維歷卡, £2m
Bolton want £2m-rated Hearts striker Andrius Velicka. (Daily Mail)

意甲拖連奴主席卡路強調, 佢地唔想簽曼城前鋒比安基
Torino president Urbano Cairo has insisted the club does not want to sign Manchester City striker Rolando Bianchi. (the Independent)

Middlesbrough are in talks to sign Heerenveen's Brazilian striker Afonso Alves. (various)


多蒙特球迷唔想阿仙奴門將列文來投, 因為佢曾效力敵對球會史浩克 04
Borussia Dortmund fans do not want the club to sign Arsenal keeper Jens Lehmann because he used to play for their rivals Schalke 04. (Telegraph)

Hibernian want Phil Parkinson, who is currently Charlton assistant boss, as their new manager. (The Sun)

利物浦既兩位班主搵緊奇連士文接替賓尼迪斯 (In Rafa We Trust!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad:)
Liverpool's owners are lining up Jurgen Klinsmann to replace manager Rafael Benitez. (Daily Mail)


曼聯想碧咸退休之後返黎做球會大使, 薪酬係 £2m 一年
Manchester United want David Beckham to become the club's global ambassador when he retires from playing. It is a role that would net the former England skipper around £2m a year. (The Sun)

[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2008-1-8 at 11:24 PM [/i]]

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