tonykwl 發表於 2008-1-22 06:22 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2008-1-22 04:46 PM:
麥卡倫話, 英格蘭缺乏有質素嘅球員, 令佢冇咗份工
... [/quote]
haman 發表於 2008-1-22 09:47 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2008-1-22 05:46 PM:
佢同時亦為自己棄用碧咸嘅決定辯... [/quote]
唔驚比人打.......嗎 麥卡倫 :secret:
example 發表於 2008-1-22 11:16 PM
我都覺得佢係搵野賴, 但係英格蘭又確實係缺乏有質素嘅球員
terencey 發表於 2008-1-23 04:14 PM
馬斯查蘭奴今夏離開利物浦, 轉往意大利發展 (Idiot Yanks OUT!!!!!! Don't ruin our club :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: [url][/url]
Javier Mascherano could add to Liverpool's woes and leave the club for Italy in the summer. (Sun)
Kevin Keegan is interested taking striker Dean Ashton to Newcastle for West Ham. (Mirror)
Keegan is also keen on Liverpool defender John Arne Riise. (Mirror)
Tottenham manager Juande Ramos is interested in Argentina's Ezequiel Garay who currently plays for Racing Santander. (Sun)
Former Manchester United keeper Roy Carroll is desperate to join Derby County from Rangers. (Mirror)
Portsmouth manager Harry Redknapp is trying to lure Milan Baros back to English football. (Various)
Villa could also lose Luke Moore to Scottish outfit Rangers. (Guardian)
Kevin Keegan has been told to keep his hands off Blackburn's David Bentley. (Daily Star)
雷丁將簽下效力法甲朗斯嘅馬里球員基比, £400,000
Reading are set to sign Mali Jimmy Kebe from Lens for £400,000. (Sun)
Watford striker Marlon King is hopeful his transfer to Fulham will still go ahead. (Guardian)
葉士域治出 £1.75m 洽購普利茅夫中場諾里斯
Ipswich have tabled a fresh £1.75m for Plymouth's David Norris. (Guardian)
葉士域治出 £1m 洽購高雲地利前鋒貝斯
Ipswich have also offered Coventry £1m for striker Leon Best. (Mail)
Tottenham are close to signing Portuguese midfielder Tiago and Brazilian defender Gilberto. (Telegraph)
阿積士門將史迪基倫堡會繼續留隊, 雖然熱刺對佢有興趣
Ajax keeper Maarten Stekelenburg has pledged his future to the club despite reported interest from Spurs. (Independent)
Birmingham hope to sign Gary Cahill from Aston Villa. (Daily Mail)
如果佐治貝利執教蘇格蘭國家隊, 相信荷度係最有機會接替佢執教修咸頓
Glen Hoddle is believed to be the favourite to replace George Burley at Southampton if as expected he becomes the new Scotland manager. (Mirror)
除左荷度之外, 卡迪夫城領隊戴夫鍾斯同前打比郡領隊比利戴維斯亦係接任人選
Cardiff manager Dave Jones and out of work Billy Davies are also thought to be on the short-list. (various)
Micah Richards is set to end speculation over his Manchester City future and sign a new contract at the club. (Daily Mai)
林柏特再次受傷患困擾, 因大腿傷患令佢要繼續休戰
Frank Lampard has suffered a fresh setback in his return from a thigh injury. (Daily Star)
Premier League clubs have spent a record amount on January transfers this season. (Various)
C. 朗拿度嘅媽媽表示, 希望佢仔仔 C. 朗有朝一日能效力皇馬
Cristiano Ronaldo's mum has spoken of her desire for her son to play for Real Madrid one day. (Various)
阿仙奴昨晚聯賽盃 4 強次回合大敗 1-5 俾熱刺, 前鋒賓特拿同隊友艾迪巴約發生衝突, 仲整親個鼻添
Arsenal striker Niklas Bendter was apparently left with a cut nose following an altercation with team-mate Emmanuel Adebayor during last night's 5-1 defeat to Tottenham. (Various)
terencey 發表於 2008-1-23 04:18 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]tonykwl[/i] at 2008-1-22 18:22:
廢話永遠講唔完~! [/quote]
[quote]Originally posted by [i]haman[/i] at 2008-1-22 21:47:
唔驚比人打.......嗎 麥卡倫 :secret: [/quote]
[quote]Originally posted by [i]example[/i] at 2008-1-22 23:16:
我都覺得佢係搵野賴, 但係英格蘭又確實係缺乏有質素嘅球員 [/quote]
嘿嘿 ...... 到時如果卡比路搞得掂嘅話, 睇佢又可以講 D 咩 ...... :D:nogood:
[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2008-1-23 at 04:24 PM [/i]]
tonykwl 發表於 2008-1-23 07:24 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2008-1-23 04:14 PM:
屈福特前鋒馬龍京治希望成功加盟富咸... [/quote]
物唔係已經去左富咸? ;) 我見yahoo 個"丁偉傑"專欄咁寫...
(轉) 1月 19日 星期六 21:27 更新
haman 發表於 2008-1-23 08:48 PM
Kevin Keegan is interested taking striker Dean Ashton to Newcastle for West Ham. (Mirror)
識貨啊!!佢係好野黎 :good: 不過就幾易傷 ::haha:
brightlee 發表於 2008-1-23 08:51 PM
but I don't think West Ham will let him go~~~
any other question.. why does he not interest about any striker in Aston Villa, even backup players.. I think Villa's Front line are too strong..... or too many people in there
terencey 發表於 2008-1-23 11:25 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]tonykwl[/i] at 2008-1-23 19:24:
物唔係已經去左富咸? ;) 我見yaho... [/quote]
未架, 因為聽聞佢有 d 傷患問題未完全 ok, 恐怕未必過到體測, 宜家都未 confirm 架, 可能因為咁, 佢地亦斟緊美國前鋒艾迪莊臣同埋搵前曼聯前鋒尼夫蘭加盟. 另外, 芬蘭飛人列馬倫亦好有可能加盟富咸架. :)
[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2008-1-23 at 11:45 PM [/i]]
terencey 發表於 2008-1-23 11:29 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]haman[/i] at 2008-1-23 20:48:
Kevin Keegan is interested taking striker Dean Ashton to Newcastle for West Ham. (Mirror)
識貨啊!!佢係好野黎 :good: 不過就幾易傷 ::haha: [/quote]
以宜家英格蘭既前鋒黎講, 我覺得艾殊頓最有舒利亞既 feel, 如果佢唔係黑仔到每逢選佢入國家隊就受傷既話, 相信佢會有更好既成就. :)
terencey 發表於 2008-1-23 11:45 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2008-1-23 20:51:
but I don't think West Ham will let... [/quote]
我諗要出好高價先得喇, 事關韋斯咸買艾殊頓既價錢唔平架 (£7.25m, 06 年 1 月由諾域治加盟) , 加上佢既能力同身價仲有上升空間添.
維拉既一對快馬 -- 艾邦拉賀同艾殊利楊格真係唔錯, 我最欣賞佢地既高速, 個人突破能力但又唔算獨食呢下好. 卡比路可以試下俾佢地多 D 機會. 前者可鋒可翼, 入球能力不俗, 佢既踢法去到阿仙奴都應該幾適合; 而後者則正正係利物浦同英格蘭國家隊現時最需要既中場球員 -- 一個高速, 傳射都有一定能力既翼鋒 ...... :)
[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2008-1-23 at 11:47 PM [/i]]
Kaz00086 發表於 2008-1-24 12:58 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2008-1-23 11:29 PM:
以宜家英格蘭既前鋒黎講, 我覺得艾殊頓最有舒利亞既 feel, 如果佢唔係黑仔到每逢選佢入國家隊就受傷既話, 相信佢會有更好既成就. :) [/quote]
amigofans 發表於 2008-1-24 09:52 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Kaz00086[/i] at 2008-1-24 12:58 AM:
艾殊頓的確係可造之材....但係另一個新人:紐根特...反而我覺得差咁D [/quote]
艾殊頓? 你地咪玩啦, 似舒利亞? 好多人都係咁講....:dev:
似無用架wor, 交得到個入球數字黎睇先得架....
雖有云"寧欺白鬚公, 莫欺少年窮", 但個人覺得佢係一般貨色...
充其量只係比亞提, 菲立斯之流.....:giveup:
係star既, 就算傷, 就算屈係韋斯咸都會閃光...
terencey 發表於 2008-1-24 10:44 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]filter-052fans[/i] at 2008-1-24 09:52:
艾殊頓? 你地咪玩啦, 似舒利亞? ... [/quote]
佢俾到我有呢種感覺姐, 宜家英格蘭欠缺有質素嘅强力中鋒 (唔好同我講高治 :D) , 加上佢年輕, 亦係冒起中, 所以對佢有所憧憬, 想睇吓佢未來日子有冇再進一步, 同上唔上到位. :)
佢宜家入波唔係多, 我相信係同佢易傷同狀態都有 D 關係, 以致最近都唔係成日有正選, 打單箭頭果陣都用踢開嘅卡頓高爾先, 都仲叫做有 "藉口" 解釋點解入球唔多. 我都想睇吓究竟佢會成為新舒利亞 :good:, 定係新比亞堤 :nogood:
amigofans 發表於 2008-1-24 12:40 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2008-1-24 10:44 AM:
佢俾到我有呢種感覺姐, 宜家英格... [/quote]
咁"寧欺白鬚公, 莫欺少年窮" ma...
terencey 發表於 2008-1-24 04:51 PM
雲加考慮將禾確特借出去, 禾確特晌 16 歲加盟阿仙奴, 轉會費 £12m
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger is considering sending Theo Walcott, who cost the club £12m as a 16-year-old, out on loan as the forward's struggles at the Emirates continue. (The Sun, Daily Mail)
熱刺將於今周成功羅致祖雲達斯中場泰亞高, 之後仲有米堡翼鋒唐寧同格流右閘赫頓
Tottenham are set to complete the signing of Juventus midfielder Tiago Mendes this week, with Middlesbrough winger Stewart Downing and Rangers right-back Alan Hutton to follow. (Daily Mail)
羅致唔到拜仁前鋒普度斯基之後, 曼城睇中西維爾嘅巴西前鋒法比安奴, £9m
Manchester City have targeted Sevilla's £9m-rated Brazilian striker Luis Fabiano after failing to land Bayern Munich frontman Lucas Podolski (Daily Mail)
Although City boss Sven-Goran Eriksson could look to Real Zaragoza frontman Diego Milito instead. (The Times)
Wigan hope to beat Fulham to the signing of Watford striker Marlon King with talks between the player and the London club continuing to stall. (Daily Mail)
紐卡素領隊奇雲基瑾希望簽米堡中堅活基治, 但要同熱刺爭
Newcastle manager Kevin Keegan hopes to make Middlesbrough centre-half Jonathan Woodgate his first signing, warding off interest from Tottenham in the process. (Various)
奇雲基瑾亦好想要薩格勒布戴拿模嘅克羅地亞國腳中場摩迪, £15m
Keegan is also keen on Dynamo Zagreb's £15m-rated Croatia international midfielder Luka Modric. (The Sun)
拉素前鋒彭迪夫聲稱, 紐卡素曾出價洽購佢
As well as Lazio forward Goran Pandev, who claims Newcastle have launched a bid for him. (The Times)
米堡領隊修夫基可能用賣活基治嘅錢洽購海倫芬前鋒阿方素艾維斯, £13m
While Boro boss Gareth Southgate could use the money received for Woodgate to launch a £13m bid to sign AZ Alkmaar striker Afonso Alves. (The Sun, The Times)
米堡, 布力般同愛華頓都對熱刺門將保羅羅賓遜感興趣
Middlesbrough are also interested in out-of-favour Tottenham keeper Paul Robinson, with Blackburn Rovers and Everton also keeping tabs on the player. (The Times)
新特蘭第 3 次, 亦係最後一次出價洽購雷丁中場史提芬亨特, £5m
Sunderland have made a third and final offer of £5m for Reading midfielder Stephen Hunt. (The Times)
李斯特城被告知, 如果想簽普利茅夫中場諾里斯就要俾 £2m
Leicester manager Ian Holloway has been told he must pay £2m if he is to sign David Norris from former club Plymouth. (Daily Star)
Watford boss Adrian Boothroyd wants to sign Fulham striker Collins John on loan for the rest of the season. (Guardian)
布里斯托城將於未來 24 小時正式羅致些路迪前鋒利奧丹, £750,000
Bristol City hope to complete the £750,000 signing of Celtic striker Derek Riordan in the next 24 hours. (Guardian)
West Brom and Watford are battling it out to sign Sheffield Wednesday midfielder Glenn Whelan. (Daily Star)
QPR will make a bid for out-of-favour Aston Villa keeper Thomas Sorensen after shelving plans to sign Dutchman Stefan Postma. (Various)
列斯聯出價 £250,000 買前鋒普捷安被英乙班列特拒絕
Leeds' offer of £250,000 for forward Jason Puncheon has been turned down by Barnet. (The Times)
貝碧托夫話會留晌熱刺起碼至今夏, 仲表示聯賽盃大勝阿仙奴証明球隊可以打入頭四
Tottenham striker Dimitar Berbatov has pledged to stay at the club until at least the summer, claiming their victory over Arsenal on Tuesday proved they can break into the Premier League's "Big Four". (Various)
韋根領隊布魯士會同經常犯錯嘅中堅巴布爾進行 "深情對話", 以便決定周六足總盃對車仔時用唔用佢
Wigan manager Steve Bruce will hold "heart-to-heart" talks with error-prone defender Titus Bramble before deciding whether to risk him in Saturday's FA Cup tie at Chelsea. (The Sun, The Times)
紐卡素領隊奇雲基瑾打算於周六足總盃對阿仙奴時用祖爾巴頓, 即使呢位中場球員仍需要去位於 Hampshire 嘅 Champneys Health Spa 進行戒酒治療
Newcastle boss Kevin Keegan is pressing ahead with plans to play Joey Barton in Saturday's FA Cup fourth-round match against Arsenal, even though the midfielder has to be back at Champneys Health Spa in Hampshire - where he is receiving help for problems with alcohol - before 1900 GMT. (Daily Star)
修咸頓球迷歡迎荷度於 2001 年轉投熱刺以來, 重返球隊執教
Southampton fans would welcome Glenn Hoddle back to the club as manager, as long as he apologises for quitting the Saints for Tottenham in 2001. (Daily Star)
佐治貝利將執教蘇格蘭國家隊, 修咸頓亦可能揾前富咸及皇家蘇斯達領隊高文執教
However, Southampton could opt instead for former Fulham and Real Sociedad manager Chris Coleman instead, with George Burley set to take over as the new Scotland boss. (Daily Mail)
熱刺球員在聯賽盃四强賽大勝阿仙奴後, 開香檳祝捷時噴到雲加. 球隊體育總監高莫利就此事向雲加道歉
Tottenham sporting director Damien Comolli has apologised to Arsene Wenger after the Arsenal manager was sprayed with champagne by Spurs players during his post-match interviews following Tuesday's Carling Cup semi-final.
熱刺助教普耶相信, 球員本來係想將香檳噴向迪科爾同另外兩位球員嘅
Assistant Spurs manager Gus Poyet is believed to have been the intended target for Jermain Defoe and two other players. (Various)
費 SIR 批評利物浦班主透露佢地斟介過奇連士文接替賓尼迪斯嘅做法係唔夠 "級數" 嘅表現
Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has accused Liverpool's owners of lacking "class" in revealing they approached Jurgen Klinsmann over succeeding Rafael Benitez as manager at Anfield. (Various)
費 SIR 相信, 利物浦宜家咁亂不單會影響佢地簽到新球員嘅機會, 亦令佢地無法爭奪今季聯賽冠軍
And the Scot believes the situation will not only impede the Reds' hopes of making new signings, but has already cost them the title this season. (Various)
阿仙奴前鋒賓特拿嘅爸爸兼經理人湯馬士賓特拿, 向同佢個仔發生衝突嘅艾迪巴約作出還擊
Thomas Bendtner, father and agent to Arsenal striker Nicklas, has hit out at Emmanuel Adebayor following the Togo striker's clash with his son against Spurs on Tuesday, saying: "It's sad that he doesn't take his head with him onto the field." (Various)
英甲布里斯托流浪分享互射十二碼嘅心得, 今季佢地已經晌互射十二碼時贏過水晶宮, 奧連特同埋富咸架喇
Penalty kings Bristol Rovers have offered to share their spot-kick expertise with the country after dispatching Crystal Palace, Leyton Orient and Fulham in shoot-outs this season. (Daily Express)
[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2008-1-24 at 05:01 PM [/i]]
tonykwl 發表於 2008-1-24 06:35 PM
jordi 發表於 2008-1-24 08:08 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]tonykwl[/i] at 2008-1-24 18:35:
借問聲高文執教皇家蘇斯達既成績如何? [/quote]
佢好似劈左炮 ~ :o
haman 發表於 2008-1-24 08:39 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2008-1-23 11:45 PM:
我諗要出好高價先得喇, 事關韋斯... [/quote]
最可惜係後者 係右腳 如果係左腳 就好.........
好多時 要傳中 都要 教返 隻右棍黎出波
呢樣野 同祖高爾 果陣時打左翼好似 :haha:
terencey 發表於 2008-1-25 12:01 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]jordi[/i] at 2008-1-24 20:08:
佢好似劈左炮 ~ :o [/quote]
係呀, 佢辭左職了. 起初成績真係好麻麻, 又多和波, 一度於聯賽榜中游位置徘徊. 於1 月 12 日主場贏艾拉維斯 1-0 之後, 排向聯賽榜第 5 位. 佢走左之後, 繼續贏波, 仲上到聯賽第 4 位添, 有機會爭升班架.
07-08 西班牙乙組聯賽積分榜 (頭 3 名會升上西甲)
名次 球隊 總場 勝 和 負 得球 失球 球差 積分
1 紐文西亞 21 12 6 3 31 17 14 42
2 馬拉加 21 12 5 4 33 19 14 41
3 希杭 21 10 5 6 32 21 11 35
4 皇家蘇斯達 21 9 7 5 24 19 5 34 <-------
5 切爾達 21 8 8 5 29 24 5 32
6 艾爾切 21 9 5 7 26 23 3 32
7 西維爾體育會 21 8 8 5 22 21 1 32
8 特內里費 21 7 9 5 27 26 1 30
9 格蘭納達 21 8 6 7 25 25 0 30
10 靴格拉斯 21 7 8 6 28 23 5 29
11 伊巴 21 8 5 8 22 25 -3 29
12 沙拉曼卡 21 7 7 7 28 25 3 28
13 卡斯迪隆 21 7 7 7 20 17 3 28
14 卡迪斯 21 8 4 9 20 21 -1 28
15 科爾多瓦 21 5 11 5 25 28 -3 26
16 艾拉維斯 21 6 6 9 23 26 -3 24
17 拉斯彭馬斯 21 6 5 10 22 30 -8 23
18 塔拉哥納 21 5 7 9 21 25 -4 22
19 阿爾巴塞特 21 5 5 11 15 23 -8 20
20 艾積多 21 5 5 11 18 32 -14 20
21 薩雷斯 21 3 10 8 22 31 -9 19
22 費路爾 21 4 5 12 19 31 -12 17
[[i] Last edited by terencey on 2008-1-25 at 12:06 AM [/i]]