第二次有慢鏡zoom埋去都唔見佢有講野 ya...wth was that...but joey crawford is a experienced ref...im sure that was a reason behind the call...hope nba will tell us wat the call was all about...
[[i] Last edited by bioamen on 2007-4-16 at 11:57 AM [/i]] 今屆已經講明唔可以挑戰球證權威架 la, duncan 唔係今日先知, so 一d 都冇攪錯 If he was just laughing about a call on the bench, I don't think that's 挑戰球證權威!!! [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky6Rqf6iYJI[/url]
如果真係笑都t foul 咁就真係幾好笑
[[i] Last edited by 王晶 on 2007-4-17 at 12:24 AM [/i]] [quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2007-4-16 05:31 PM:
今屆已經講明唔可以挑戰球證權威架 la, duncan 唔係今日先知, so 一d 都冇攪錯 [/quote]
你如果係唔清楚件事點黎 唔該你唔好廢嗡喇
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D<===笑緊你呀 我又挑戰緊你咩? **** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 **** 好講過野, 剩係笑都俾人 t-foul, 好無奈 :sleep::noway::noway:
如果依場波係playoff, 個球證實 :nogood::nogood: :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
好似香港d老師咁,笑下都唔畀 太嚴厲了.........too crazy 佢講既野我都好agree,可以睇﹕
[url=http://blog.drinkazine.com/2007/04/17/%e6%a5%b5%e5%ba%a6%e5%b0%88%e5%88%b6%ef%b9%97duncan%e4%bd%a0%e5%94%94%e5%a5%bd%e7%ac%91%ef%b9%97/]click here[/url] duncan was saying "he got fouled"
and joey crawford claimed that duncan has argue with him 4 2 much during the game.......so rite after duncan sits on the bench..and crawford saw duncan laughing...he assumped duncan was laughing at him.....so he gave duncan a T.. but wat i heard was....duncan was laughing at the foul call that uberto got rite after he sat down....
i think crawford and duncan had some kinda beef between them.....b4 this game..the spurs were 12-1...the only game they lost was in indiana...where joey crawford was the the ref 4 that game 2...and guess wat....duncan got a T in that game also....><" so u can tell me wat's going on between them.. 睇番段片duncan一d問題都無喎,係個球證發神經o者 不過Duncan個表情變化真係好鬼好笑
隔離果個係咪Robert Horry 佢知道Duncan 比人t foul 笑到收唔到聲 都幾無奈,咁都吹!!
可能係吹佢拍手果下,個球證以為duncan暗串佢 就咁睇梗係覺得太嚴......但係大家又冇睇成場波,duncan有冇投訴....好難講既.....
不過個人認為,duncan平時係籃底其實都為所欲為,好多吹罰都已經係對佢有利......可能打慣風流波,唔慣俾人吹......=.=..... [quote]Originally posted by [i]Shaqleung[/i] at 2007-4-17 11:45 PM:
就咁睇梗係覺得太嚴......但係大家又... [/quote]
What does it have to do with 成場波? How can the ref take it personal? I hope this isn't the case. Joey Crawford has been suspended by NBA commissioner David Stern indefinitely. Whihc guarrantees him to miss the nba playoffs.
Joey has been accused of using inappropriate language and conduct which fails to meet the expectations of a NBA referee.
[[i] Last edited by Xtravagant on 2007-4-18 at 11:41 AM [/i]] 我有睇到場波﹐其實一開始duncan已經同crawford係度咀藐藐﹐因為上次係indiana都搞到幾羌下﹐duncan亦好明顯咁成日咀up up,所以第一個t.foul係應該俾既﹐但第二個就真係無厘頭左d啦﹐坐係到笑都唔得﹐咁仲洗打波既。雖然話大家都有錯﹐但我覺得duncan真係好唔抵﹐想爭下主場都唔得。 Joey Crawford 都有今日..本人覺得e個ref以為自己係nba no.1 ref... 但佢d calls 真係有時好好好主觀.. 其實ref 有時call foul係一定主觀... 但個joey crawford.... 真係.... 我唔明nba點解e+d ref大多數係老野... 有exp唔 = everything.... 如果我係stern.. 我會suggest佢地去hall of flame 算...