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bigfish 發表於 2007-4-23 12:06 PM

kobe 39 分, 但其他人完全唔識得分...
今場拿殊得 10 個 assists, 又唔過百, 睇黎發揮都係麻麻地

Shaqleung 發表於 2007-4-23 07:57 PM

舊年無a米,積遜強攻內線,真係迫到太陽死死下...但係今年有番a米,又唔見得湖人呢家殺著會好有效......湖人外線防守無左devean george,整體下降不少.要頂住太陽外圍狂射,有難度.

湖人既x-factor我覺得會係正選kwame brown,後備既bynum 同埋maurice Evans~

Rated-R 發表於 2007-4-23 08:15 PM

Raja Bell可絕對降低Kobe的剎傷力

SUPERKANY 發表於 2007-4-23 10:08 PM


abc!@$% 發表於 2007-4-24 04:34 PM

Lakers 加油, 希望聽日扳回一城 :agree:

tree728 發表於 2007-4-24 09:21 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2007-4-23 12:06 PM:
kobe 39 分, 但其他人完全唔識得分...
今場拿殊得 10 個 assists, 又唔過百, 睇黎發揮都係麻麻地 [/quote]
我今日睇曬第一圏各球隊既第一場波    場場波都好私就住就住咁
唔過百  唔= 發揮都係麻麻
只係季後賽打7場4勝   肯定唔敢太博
場場都要出真功夫   打一場既體力可能係常規賽既一場半至兩塲

kgkgkg212121 發表於 2007-4-25 06:11 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]tree728[/i] at 2007-4-24 09:21 PM:

我今日睇曬第一圏各球隊既第一場波 ... [/quote]

大優勢 發表於 2007-4-25 09:14 PM


2:0  無啦

ch4 發表於 2007-4-26 07:49 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]abc!@$%[/i] at 2007-4-24 04:34 PM:
Lakers 加油, 希望聽日扳回一城 :agree: [/quote]

seadog 發表於 2007-4-26 11:33 AM

laker can't la..
only with Kobe is not enough, the other laker player must do their best..

大優勢 發表於 2007-4-26 02:05 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]ch4[/i] at 2007-4-26 07:49 AM:

如果你真系想佢輸,4:2都好啲,咪一場都不能win [/quote]

睇個勢.........一場都俾多了, 就一場啦


abc!@$% 發表於 2007-4-26 06:50 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]ch4[/i] at 2007-4-26 07:49 AM:

如果你真系想佢輸,4:2都好啲,咪一場都不能win [/quote]
睇而家, 4:2 都好難了
唔好4蛋呀..... :cry:

supreme12 發表於 2007-4-26 08:43 PM


abc!@$% 發表於 2007-4-27 01:47 PM

湖人今日終於win番場..95 : 89
kobe 45,6,6
odom 18,16
K.Brown 19,6

xalonso 發表於 2007-4-27 02:16 PM

+oil~ Kobe~love you 4ever~

arthur8088 發表於 2007-4-27 02:21 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]abc!@$%[/i] at 2007-4-27 01:47 PM:
湖人今日終於win番場..95 : 89
kobe 45,6,6
odom 18,16
K.Brown 19,6[/color]希望湖人下場繼續努力..... [/quote]

before this match, no-one expected Brown could have a great performance today~

kobe is a genius...his FTA(13) is more than the SUNS' FTA(12)...maybe that's home-court effect....decision is always favour to the home team..like Rocket~~

btw, Lakers did a good job~~

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