列斯聯宣告破產,即時扣十分降班下年 League One 唔駛負十分開咧
Relegated Leeds in administration
Leeds United have been relegated to League One after being deducted 10
points for going into administration.
The 10-point deduction - in accordance with Football League rules - means
Leeds will finish the season at the bottom of the Championship.
However, they will not lose any points for the start of their first season
in League One in August.
Administrator KPMG has already agreed to sell the club to a newly-formed
company led by chairman Ken Bates.
A KPMG statement said: "Shortly after their appointment the joint
administrators agreed to sell the business and its assets to a newly formed
"This company is called Leeds United Football Club Limited, the directors of
which are Ken Bates, Shaun Harvey and Mark Taylor.
"The sale of the club is subject to approval by its creditors, via a Company
Voluntary Arrangement (CVA).
"The creditors' meeting, to consider the CVA, will be held before the end of
May. The Football League will also need to approve the sale."
KPMG also revealed the club had debts "totalling approximately £35m, with a
cash injection of approximately £10m required to continue trading".
The statement added: "The administrators understand from filter-004ions with
the Football League that the administration will result in the immediate
deduction of 10 points.
"This means that next season the club will start the campaign in League One
with no points deducted." 醒喎
係英冠 用左咁多錢用到破產 都降班
成隊波都幾多問題先可以引致呢個結局 應該到谷底gala...
好快升返上頂級聯賽 [quote]Originally posted by [i]20001160[/i] at 2007-5-5 12:34 AM:
係英冠 用左咁多錢用到破產 都降班
成隊波都幾多問題先可以引致呢個結局 [/quote]
其實列斯聯嘅問題在未落英冠時已經出現,當年由列斯杜爾做主席時,不顧球會是否能夠承受的情況下,不斷高價買人,歐洲賽成績除左入過1次歐聯4强之外都無咩建樹,加上領導層又管理及理財不善,咁就想唔財困都唔得啦 ......
宜家嘅主席係卑斯,係油王入主車仔之前果個主席,如果當時唔係油王打救,車仔已經破左產好耐了,可見列斯聯再一次所托非人。宜家要落到英甲,只係呢d問題同危機不斷深化嘅必然結果而已。 [quote]Originally posted by [i]iknow[/i] at 2007-5-5 12:57 AM:
好快升返上頂級聯賽 [/quote]
曼城以前都試過落到咁低組別,睇吓列斯有無人打救了,始終係大球會黎,希望佢早日上番黎啦 ..... 想當年..........
倫落到英甲 [quote]Originally posted by [i]terencey[/i] at 2007-5-5 11:36 AM:
曼城以前都試過落到咁低組別,睇吓列斯有無人打救了,始終係大球會黎,希望佢早日上番黎啦 ..... [/quote]
佢賣左艾難路球場未:o 足以引證錢唔係萬能,但無錢就萬萬不能 [quote]Originally posted by [i]月月鳥[/i] at 2007-5-5 09:11 PM:
佢賣左艾難路球場未:o [/quote]
賣左 ..... 其實破產就要扣分咪即係將金錢同成績扯上關係囉 very sad to c once a team competing in the champions league going down like this 究竟佢地可唔可以搵個識使錢ge人做主席 [quote]Originally posted by [i]german[/i] at 2007-5-6 06:47 AM:
究竟佢地可唔可以搵個識使錢ge人做主席 [/quote]
有時呢d嘢幾睇彩數, 有人有興趣買至得 ...... 真係可遇不可求 ......... 列斯真係好慘...
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