請問大家知唔知係唔係七月二十三日呢?星期一? Yes, 門票將於六月二日早上九時開始在氹仔運動場發售, 公開門票僅一萬張 但係星期一黎和,真係無攪錯? [quote]Originally posted by [i]achan87[/i] at 2007-5-26 01:44:
但係星期一黎和,真係無攪錯? [/quote]
冇搞錯, 真係星期一嚟架
曼聯喎, 好難得有咁既機會架 Thx.......I will go to my friend's home just beside the court to watch.....hahaha 記得上次曼聯黎香港又係揀 23/7
真係希望曼聯今次去澳門又可以大屠殺 la [quote]Originally posted by [i]bigfish[/i] at 2007-5-28 17:04:
記得上次曼聯黎香港又係揀 23/7
真係希望曼聯今次去澳門又可以大屠殺 la [/quote]
上次佢地黎H.K都殺唔少港幣啦!:D:D:D [quote]Originally posted by [i]拳王洛奇[/i] at 2007-5-25 02:54 PM:
Yes, 門票將於六月二日早上九時
開始在氹仔運動場發售, 公開門票僅一萬張 [/quote]
hey i read on the papers that they pospone the selling of the ticks on june 2nd, does anyone know when they selling it now??:help::help: