嘈到我係房開機,廳都聽到d 聲....
幫幫手...thz 我都有呢個問題, 你要換左cpu把風扇,
但長遠都係換個新會取好~ 主機風扇係隨溫度上昇就會自動加速。
兩把扇點都好過我用一把大扇咁嘈! 會唔會系
有D野 “店” 到個 CPU 風扇 呢?
日子有功,散熱器上 績 左D 塵 ,
散唔到 熱 ,所以把 風扇 響 呢? 你肯定係cpu、還是火牛風扇 嘈?
反而火牛會吸埋塵埃係火牛箱裡面,一舊舊既塵先到阻住把風扇轉。 just change a new one
that kind of cheap cpu fan, don't expect it can be used for long 唔該晒大家,
係好耐之前成日hand機,之後除左則邊個case 果塊野,就無裝返上去,
我聽d 聲,應該就係cpu 個風扇...
[[i] Last edited by chong2002 on 2007-6-13 at 04:08 PM [/i]] install a program called speed fan.. to lower ur fan speed, to reduce the noise and buy a new fan [quote]Originally posted by [i]w00tw00t[/i] at 2007-6-13 03:46 PM:
install a program called speed fan.. to lower ur fan speed, to reduce the noise and buy a new fan [/quote]
LOW 左之後,個cpu 會唔會因為散熱唔夠而死架 :confused: 有時 CPU風扇 個速度 有D 關係。仲有系 果舊 散熱器(原裝?) 定系換過呢?
越熱 個 CPU 風扇 轉速 亦都會相對被自動提高。
。。如果你部機 經常 hand機 既 情況 一直 持續 既話。。。
除左 代表部機 個 主機殼 內部唔夠流通 散熱 存在有問題。之外
會唔會有可能 擺放 主機殼 梭氣位 既 周圍 空氣 唔流通 呢?
熱空氣散唔切,入番個箱裡面,都可能 發生 散熱問題 。。
不過亦都好容易 績綴 D 塵埃 。。(相信你都會明白)
經常過熱 Hand機。。。既話。。,除作 CPU 風扇 會響之外。。
底板,RAM,其他地方 亦都會 績 塵 。
長期的話, 好容易連塊底板都瓜埋。
check check 可能好D 勒。 is it because some screws are loose inside your comp ? when the fan spins at high speed, it make sounds .. ? try to tighten all screws and kind of clean the dust of your fan as well it may be dusty, try to clean it, if it's still, you may need to change a new one, I have such experience before, I cleaned 2 fans of my HP desktop, it was resumed yea I also use 2.6G CPU but the CPU fan is very quiet
Yours is abnormal..clean the dust and find if another stuck in the fan blade ( cable, etc)
try lower CPU voltage in bios may help too
I use 1.15V for my cpu and very quiet and CPU temp is 45C add WD40 to the motor of fan may help too bios overclocked + dirty fan ?
if you going to change new fan, change it carefully and beware of short circuit