[自拍] 徐淑敏@ 仲夏繽紛水世界
[img]http://imagesl.fotop.net/albums/hcman906/hcman906425/DSC_8390.jpg[/img] 比咗d相果位呀姐未...:D 好頂呀~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 居然趕到咁多場!?
好野 好野~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 好吸引 THANKS wear biniki is better and attractive lor ............ waw..I like her ae.young & juiceful! 以為有泳衣睇tim XD your photos so nice, I like the photos as you take.... not only face, some are whole body! [quote]Originally posted by [i]腳指o[/i] at 2007-7-23 11:56 AM:
以為有泳衣睇tim XD [/quote]
我都以為係, 不過Suki依然好好波. suki~~~很"好"