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amigofans 發表於 2007-8-20 05:51 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]pchong[/i] at 2007-8-20 12:05 PM:
英超球證水平真係冇意大利咁好 [/quote]

我唔覺得, 就算光頭佬哥連拿, 都成日睇錯....

[b]其實球証都係人, 電光火石, 走漏眼, 記錯野, 一時思維錯誤都係唔奇,
尤其中眉底彈落黎果d波, 我敢講10個球正10個都係斷估....[/b]

以前唔會有人話球証吹得屎, 因為以前d慢鏡無咁靚, 仲無咁多角度,
而家一錯, 大家已經睇到, 套用馬評人方駿輝精景既一句...:good:

[color=Red][b]只要叫雞後唔洗30秒, 就全世界幾億人知道吹錯, 但只有場中幾條友唔知,

我覺得已經係時候[b]引入錄像科技, 當球証睇唔到或有猶豫既時候,
可以問番上面既手足係咩情形, 上面有錄影帶睇既人唔係總球正,
佢地只係球証既助手, 一如旁証, 咁就不失球証既威嚴!![/b]

[b]而且更應該將球証高薪職業化, 高質素既球証同樣可以好似球員一樣,
有幾萬磅週薪, 再用評分制度黎配合, 盡量減少黑哨出現....[/b]

不過我知道講黎都side氣, 一個精片足球, 攪左幾年都未有野睇...
皆因國際足協, 歐洲足協, 係白禮達同柏天尼呢白痴做主席...

我開始好懷疑有生之年, 我見唔見到用錄像幫助球証....:haha:

amigofans 發表於 2007-8-20 06:03 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]locklock[/i] at 2007-8-20 05:47 PM:

就係正正你這種思想,另摩師有翻盤... [/quote]

[color=Blue]你咪同我玩啦, 上半場打到一劈屎咁, 成場比人拑住黎打,
一個正常既領隊都會, 下半場搶番d攻勢, 因為已經輸緊0比1,
攻有咩咁神奇, 唔通唔攻? 由得利物浦入多2 3球?[/color]

[color=Red]如果利物浦唔攻, 就更加講唔通, 成場主動, 90%攻勢來自主方,
下半場唔快d入多個燕疏球? 守? [/color]

曼城唔夠力攻曼聯, 好彩入左腳就應該守!!
就算佢地守, 都想入曼聯2比0, 無人好似你咁, 覺得1比0唔應該去...
講真我睇唔到車仔有咩反擊力, 根本係個球証送禮...

唔好睇完個戰果, 推算番個部署出黎啦, 而家和左1比1, 你咪咁講lor,
如果佢地守, 比番個中場車仔去攻, 輸左和左波, 你咪又會話佢點解縮lor...

[b]睇番尋晚個勢, 我唔明點解要守唔去攻...
不過唔好爭論, 你同我開始離題...

人家講緊個12碼, 答我, 係咪誤判??
車仔無果球點球, 有無一分??[/b] :sleep:

kuru 發表於 2007-8-20 06:28 PM

1:1算好lu, 唔覺意比車仔贏埋仲唔抵

brightlee 發表於 2007-8-20 06:30 PM

尤其中眉底彈落黎果d波, 我敢講10個球正10個都係斷估....

As I am referee, I can tell you about this situation

Normally, I would look at the linesmen to confirm it's a goal or not
cos as referee, they will stay outside the penalty box except Penalty or Corner (even that's corner, referee should stay after penalty spot to have a board view

locklock 發表於 2007-8-20 06:36 PM

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fake2005 發表於 2007-8-20 07:14 PM




locklock 發表於 2007-8-20 07:21 PM

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fake2005 發表於 2007-8-20 07:55 PM





wcchan886 發表於 2007-8-20 08:43 PM


eric911 發表於 2007-8-20 09:09 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]locklock[/i] at 2007-8-20 05:47 PM:

就係正正你這種思想,另摩師有翻盤... [/quote]


locklock 發表於 2007-8-20 09:16 PM

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eqhigh 發表於 2007-8-20 09:21 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]filter-052fans[/i] at 2007-8-20 05:51 PM:

我唔覺得, 就算光頭佬哥連拿, 都...
只要[color=Red]叫雞[/color]後唔洗30秒, 就全世界幾億人知道吹錯, 但只有場中幾條友唔知,


brightlee 發表於 2007-8-20 09:23 PM

I watch the highlight show again. If I was Rob Styles and stood in that position
I would give a penalty to Chelsea

Cos I saw Finnan was trying to take a really bad tackle, the Chelsea player was jumping up to prevent it.....

It's still a foul, remember a foul is a foul, couldn't escape........

Similar situation as C. Ronaldo was sent off by Steve Bennett 2 years ago when Man City vs Man Utd. C. Ronaldo didn't touch Andrew Cole, but that's definity a foul ... a professional foul, straight RED

eqhigh 發表於 2007-8-20 09:25 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]eric911[/i] at 2007-8-20 09:09 PM:

好難講,賓帥買左咁多兵,個個都... [/quote]




brightlee 發表於 2007-8-20 09:48 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]eqhigh[/i] at 2007-8-20 23:25:

佢解釋番話...第二張黃牌係比泰利... [/quote]
haha... upcoming news from soccernet!!!!

Referees' chief Keith Hackett has confirmed Rob Styles will not take charge of a match next weekend after his performance in the game between Liverpool and Chelsea at Anfield on Sunday.

Rob Styles and Jamie Carragher
Jamie Carragher has words with Rob Styles after his controversial penalty decision.

Styles controversially awarded Chelsea a penalty which enabled the Blues to equalise after Fernando Torres' opener, before causing confusion by brandishing a yellow card at Michael Essien - who had already been booked - but insisting it was John Terry being booked.

And Hackett, general manager of Professional Game Match Officials Limited, told Sky Sports: 'Accountability exists and we, the PGMOL, do expect referees to get big decisions correct.

'On this occasion it was wrong and therefore Rob will not be officiating next weekend.'

Hackett also revealed assistant referee Ian Gosling will be given next weekend off, after he denied Fulham a late goal at home to Middlesbrough when David Healy clearly forced the ball over the line.

The referees' supremo even apologised to Rafael Benitez and Lawrie Sanchez - Liverpool and Fulham manager respectively.

On Styles, Hackett added: 'I spoke to Rob this morning and obviously he is extremely disappointed with the decision and admitted he got it wrong. I have left a message with Rafael Benitez to apologise.

'Having looked at a video and seen a better angle and a better view, clearly he (Styles) now recognises that he got it wrong and he's deeply apologetic for that. I think, in fact, he too will be making contact with Liverpool in order to offer his apologies.'

Asked about the confusion when Essien appeared to be booked for a second time, Hackett said: 'I'm informed by both the fourth official and Rob he retained the card shown to John Terry then held the card to indicate a direct free-kick, and failed to put the card away. So it was a basic, if you like, admin error as against an error in application of law.

'We'll look at the video to ensure we don't get a repeat of that.'

Hackett also confirmed Gosling, who wrongly ruled Boro goalkeeper Mark Schwarzer prevented Healy's effort from crossing the line, will also be without a game this weekend.

'Clearly the assistant referee has made an error, so he won't be operating next week for us either.'

eric911 發表於 2007-8-20 09:58 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]locklock[/i] at 2007-8-20 09:16 PM:

:D你都有攞馬會份野!陳冠希好似阿... [/quote]


Flea 發表於 2007-8-21 12:33 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2007-8-20 09:23 PM:
I watch the highlight show again. I... [/quote]

I think no one will give a penalty

There is a very very minor body contact in this case and mourluda had no intention to get the ball. The only body contact is he jumped into Finnan

so it cannot be a foul

amigofans 發表於 2007-8-21 12:50 AM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]brightlee[/i] at 2007-8-20 09:23 PM:
I watch the highlight show again. I... [/quote]

即使你係球証, 我都不同意果一球係一個12碼,
[b]根本完全無身體接觸, 何來犯規? 因為芬倫果勢唔好?[/b]

球証如果因為咁去判, 覺得佢個勢係想犯規同好狼,
呢個只係一個推測, 即係一個球員如果發老脾,
手執拳頭狀想打人, 但最後無打到, 可以給佢紅牌嗎?

[b]我覺得係一個電光火石間, 腦根上既錯誤,
睇番佢尋晚整體既表現, 你就已經知道佢亂晒大龍...[/b]:nogood:

我較欣賞普爾, 錯就要認, 而呢位史泰奧斯,
真係人如其名, 有style不認錯....

[b]球証都係人, 球証謗証睇中眉彈地波, 睇offside,
或好似尋晚既禁區內犯規, 如果真係睇唔到,
作為球証, 唔斷古可以點???[/b]

所以我先講, 錄像係100%應該引入幫手!!

jef2i 發表於 2007-8-21 11:14 AM

.......球證攪到liverpool 輸

eqhigh 發表於 2007-8-21 02:08 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]jef2i[/i] at 2007-8-21 11:14 AM:
.......球證攪到liverpool 輸 [/quote]


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