amigofans 發表於 2007-9-6 10:31 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Rated-R[/i] at 2007-9-6 09:15 PM:
哈~!好過有年UEF曼聯VS皇馬,有件萬... [/quote]
加利仔又係廢閘, 哈哈, 你咪係比我講中晒果d友仔lor...
[b]不如你乾脆好似上面咁, 話佢廢, 咁咪得lor, [/b]:D:D:D
大家有權鐘意或唔鐘意一個球員, 但要攞出黎講就要客觀少少...
[b]至少卡比路呢d咁專業既領隊, 會為左你口中既廢柴碧咸,
ahho319 發表於 2007-9-6 11:10 PM
amigofans 發表於 2007-9-7 12:04 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]ahho319[/i] at 2007-9-6 11:10 PM:
其實... [/quote]
算啦算啦, 我覺得最勁係樓主, 起條咁既題...
我都玩夠啦, 講來講去都係三覆被...:D:D:D
jordanwong 發表於 2007-9-7 12:12 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]fabric[/i] at 2007-9-5 11:30:
本人覺得DB23只是一個沒有技術, 的一個非常普通的球員, 只不過是香港人吹噓到佢幾勁, 真係唔明白:confused: [/quote]
:(:(:( 請樓主以後講人唔該講清楚係足球
fake2005 發表於 2007-9-7 12:21 AM
d point已經講十九幾萬次.
kiki12345 發表於 2007-9-7 06:40 PM
米多人不怪 發表於 2007-9-7 07:17 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]jordanwong[/i] at 2007-9-7 12:12 AM:
:(:(:( 請樓主以後講人唔該講清楚係足球
如果唔係我以為你講緊[color=Red]NBA騎士隊既23號占士[/color] [/quote]
LBJ 23 ~~~
amigofans 發表於 2007-9-8 12:05 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]kiki12345[/i] at 2007-9-7 06:40 PM:
如果唔係佢唔會咁講野~ [/quote]
但佢地識玩 winning, 同玩 fm....
Kev 發表於 2007-9-8 10:25 PM
who said beckham cant go deep crossing?
who said beckham no left foot?
who said beckham runs slow?
who said beckham no technique?
who said beckham aren't capable to be one of the top class player?
unless u tell me you dont have the ability to comment on a player's skill..
or you feel really difficult to read a soccer match..
simply one video, 3 goals, in one match against one of the best team in the world,
maybe u think crossing is an easy thing, did zidane dinho crosses better than DB?
even rui costa couldnt achieve what beckham's did..
he sucks just because, we have pele, maradona, platini, cruyff in the past with amazing techniques..
but one thing to tell is.. they could never do what beckham could..
[[i] Last edited by Kev on 2007-9-8 at 10:28 PM [/i]]
amigofans 發表於 2007-9-8 10:55 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Kev[/i] at 2007-9-8 10:25 PM:
who said beckham cant go deep cross... [/quote]
no, no, no, crossing is so easy!!
[b][size=6]拑個制咁易架之ma, 要練既咩? [/size][/b]:D:D:D
反而 one on one 扭波就唔同, 如果拑制至場都拑多幾下!!
[size=6][b]斬波? 要練架咩? 無速度無腳法就係垃圾!![/b][/size] :nogood::nogood::nogood:
[color=Green]所以卡卡係最好波最全面既, 佢唔洗斬波咁煩, 扭就得...又好睇!![/color]
卡卡果d真係最全面呢, 其實佢有頭鎚, 斬波一樣勁, 仲有佢防守意式都好高..
搶截又好ok, 只不過佢唔使出黎咁解o者...
其實我覺得佢打防中or中堅都得, 只要出場果時佢知道做 df or dmf 就 ok...
[size=6]碧咸根本係過譽, 皇馬為左錢要佢唔要費高, 正白痴...:nogood::nogood::nogood:
總之一個字, 廢!![/size]
Kaz00086 發表於 2007-9-8 11:51 PM
shehboy 發表於 2007-9-9 01:36 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Kaz00086[/i] at 2007-9-8 11:51 PM:
我諗香港嘅球迷對好波嘅定位係扭唔扭... [/quote]
又唔好咁講,一樣有好多人當碧咸係神咁拜, 好似耶穌同阿啦咁, 各有所好啫, 有乜好拗. 其實碧咸係一個優點同缺點都好明顯的球員, 搵佢打右中出波, 或射罰球, 真係天皇一樣, 你要佢過關斬將, 或者做柱墩式頂波, 咪盞搞囉. 正如細哨,c7扭得點勁, 佢地去守龍都唔會係一個好球員.
shehboy 發表於 2007-9-9 02:10 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Kev[/i] at 2007-9-8 10:25 PM:
we have pele, maradona, platini, cruyff in the past with amazing techniques..
but one thing to tell is.. they could never do what beckham could.. [/quote]
你咁講又武斷左啲, 馬勒當拿長傳一樣好得架, 罰球仲下下都彎向死角添.
因為我個年代佢仲踢緊拿玻里, 如果你淨係睇過佢踢世界盃就梗係少見, 佢打攻中架, 咁梗係好少走去邊綫出波架啦.
不過你去youtube搵下都可能搵返佢有次玩野用交叉腳出波, 又勁又遠又準, 電視重播左幾次. 柏天尼射罰球又係好勁, 不過佢係靠苦練返黎, 唔同老馬果隻靠打天才波.
至於比利同告魯夫, 我就未至於老到睇過佢地平時啲表現.
其實你鍾意邊個都得, 無需要攞以前啲球王出黎比, 因為好難相比, 以前啲後衛無而家啲拍得咁緊咁快, 但當年啲波同啲砵又無而家啲加哂料咁好踢噃. 咁你話以前出波射波易啲定而家易啲呀, 咁樣討論法係無乜建設性.
我夠可以話真高拿頂到既波, 比利馬勒當拿告魯夫永遠頂唔到咯, 咁係唔係即係真高拿好波過佢地呀??:D
hins0109 發表於 2007-9-9 02:36 AM
個個球員都跑得快 不如一齊玩短跑啦
碧咸根本就唔係跑快既人 佢係玩耐力 有邊場佢唔係跑足
話人廢之前 諗下你自己先啦
碧咸廢?! 咁你地呢
你跑得好快?! 你係皇馬當時6條a所謂最勁既頭5個?!
批評人前 先檢討自己
得把聲話人 自己根本有進步既空間
Kaz00086 發表於 2007-9-9 02:39 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]hins0109[/i] at 2007-9-9 02:36 AM:
個個球員都跑得快 不如一齊玩短跑啦
... [/quote]
sbbnuftne. 發表於 2007-9-9 09:47 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]七星天使[/i] at 2007-9-5 02:06 PM:
佢斬波技術真係好強,,我係欣賞佢呢點 [/quote]
fabric 發表於 2007-9-9 10:19 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]hins0109[/i] at 2007-9-6 02:08 PM:
出呢個post 咪又係撩架打
呢個世界 總有d膚淺既人
唔抵得人地有名 唯有無聊地出posr發洩 可憐啊 [/quote]
你有沒有看清楚標題, 如果你覺的db勁的話, 你可以不入黎的, 我這個post只是想與一些志同道合的人討論一下感想, 並沒有想和某些人起惡, 當然有一些無聊/膚淺的人會不高興, 因為在說他們的心目中所為的勁人的不是, 但每個人也有言論自由, 你這樣說是要壓制言論自由, 你才是無聊, 真可悲:nogood:
Kev 發表於 2007-9-9 10:52 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]fabric[/i] at 2007-9-9 10:19 PM:
你有沒有看清楚標題, 如果你覺的db... [/quote]
yup :)
1. your topic (heading) is quite offensive.. objectively, no one would think this is a good one.
2. you cant just stated like "catergory A can come, those catergory B cant".. as you yourself know what's freedom of speech.
3. if you just want a group of people just come and supporting you, what's the point of "討論" and what's the point of starting this post?
4. 本人覺得DB23只是一個沒有技術, 的一個非常普通的球員, 只不過是香港人吹噓到佢幾勁, [color=Red]真係唔明白[/color] <-- therefore brothers came and explain why people support him.. what's wrong then?
everyone please keep in mind that what a "forum" is..
yes, you could show off your knowledge but remember not stepping on the others..
you could pick on the others' view but not without reasoning..
i found out that the sport forum here does sometime have people damaging the atmosphere..
admins give us lot's of tolerance, but some people just do not appreciate it..
honestly, i personally think that topic like this could simply be ignored..
or if you could make a better heading, people wouldnt be that "offensive"..
headings like
"Do you think DB is worth being recognised as a world class player?"
"Comparing DB with the world's top footballers, he might not be capable"
etc etc..
why did you have to make such a topic?
[color=Red]你有沒有看清楚標題, 如果你覺的db勁的話, 你可以不入黎的[/color]
it's like children arguing.. :(
[[i] Last edited by Kev on 2007-9-9 at 11:04 PM [/i]]
amigofans 發表於 2007-9-9 11:48 PM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Kev[/i] at 2007-9-9 10:52 PM:
yup :)
1. your topi... [/quote]
[b]kev 兄, 太認真啦你...[/b] :):):)
你碌番上去睇下, 有好多人包括我, 都有理性咁去同佢地研究,
[b]但呢班友仔永遠係無咩up得到出黎, 因為佢地覺得係"廢"就係廢..[/b]
根本係主觀性既發表, like 最近第2邊大魚開果個post一樣...:giveup::giveup::giveup:
[b]舉例我講, 皇馬會為左有碧咸最後放棄費高, 呢d唔係主觀既事實,
我認真提出黎, 佢地會當睇唔到, 因為佢地覺得beckham"廢"就係"廢"[/b]
因為大家係講feel, 正如第二邊大魚個post, 果位人兄講一樣...
[size=5]我 feel 佢係廢.....[/size] :haha::haha::haha:
[b]洗咩同佢地認真丫, d野寫得出黎, 邊個先係膚淺, 大家有眼睇既...[/b]
算啦, 吹水而且....
[b]有時我都幾鐘意呢d post, 我 feel 到會好玩...[/b] :D:D:D
gigg11 發表於 2007-9-10 12:41 AM
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Rated-R[/i] at 2007-9-6 11:48 AM:
廢就系廢,講咁多都系廢,因有Figo出現,所以佢廢 [/quote]
by the way~我無抽figo水既意思~