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leety112233 發表於 2007-9-8 10:53 PM

Beckham in Los Angeles

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edward1906 發表於 2007-9-8 10:58 PM


amigofans 發表於 2007-9-8 11:00 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]leety112233[/i] at 2007-9-8 10:53 PM:
碧咸加盟後, 洛杉磯銀河成績一落千丈,連輸六場,現為聯盟包尾,大家點睇? [/quote]

becks 去之前, 隊波已經係包尾, 所以唔關佢事...

但問題在於, 隊波用咁多資源係一兩個球員身上,
係好家係壞? 其他人會唔會因為無錢而搵唔到好質素既球員?


sas 發表於 2007-9-8 11:04 PM


arthur8088 發表於 2007-9-8 11:19 PM

[quote]Originally posted by [i]leety112233[/i] at 2007-9-8 22:53:
碧咸加盟後, 洛杉磯銀河成績一落千丈,連輸六場,現為聯盟包尾,大家點睇? [/quote]

one of the reasons of keep losing is LA Galaxy is gambling next year's First overall Rookie pick....it's like NBA....so LA would have more chance to get the first pick to get somem good players~~or even for trading~~

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